
BoopityBoopi t1_j20qf9c wrote

In my experience the problem with creative industries, is that it really is a miracle to get the perfect property and all the perfect employees to make a successful product. So maybe a killer studio with the best talent and experience could unionize and survive but otherwise the publishers might as well just shut it down and start somewhere else, every time.


BoopityBoopi t1_j205h54 wrote

Not Faith, facts. Life expectancy is low in the US because people eat garbage food and don’t take care of themselves willingly. Spoiler alert: I don’t even live in the US and with all the gun violence and mental health issues, I don’t really want to visit anytime soon so you’ve got it wrong if you think I’m an American that is out here touting how awesome the US is versus China. China’s problems are deep rooted and very difficult to deal with, similar to places like Africa and Russia. Political and religious freedom Is very important to me and others. At least in democratic countries you can see a path to improvement, but in places where the government is corrupt top to bottom and people are being imprisoned for their thoughts, it’s hard to imagine how to improve it without a bloody revolution.


BoopityBoopi t1_j1nmz3j wrote

The way they run their country (social credit system and treatment of political dissidents) and the now-confirmed slave labour camps have China approaching Nazi Germany territory. Holy crap this sub is blindingly optimistic. I guess if we ever meet in a refugee camp in the future you can tell me I was right.
