
BrewtusMaximus1 t1_j1xnhja wrote

My ex wife didn’t appreciate everything I did house and kid wise until we divorced - and she then didn’t fully appreciate it until she moved with the kids an hour away and I went from having them half time to every other weekend.


BrewtusMaximus1 t1_ixzrgi5 wrote

Nope. There’s multiple meanings to the word “cast.” One meaning - the one used here - is to assign the roles to actors. Past tense of that is “casted.”

The meaning you’re likely reading - to be assigned a role - uses “was cast” as its past tense.

Bob Hoskins was cast.

Brian de Palma casted the film.


BrewtusMaximus1 t1_isdmt94 wrote

That’s not how the real estate commission works - you signed a contract with the listing agent giving them X% (7% is typical in the state that I’m in), which would get split between the listing agent and the buyer’s agent if there was one (this split depends upon the brokerage firm). Your listing agent got the same compensation either way, which is why the broker laughed at you.