
BruceShark88 t1_iyf87xh wrote

Yes he will hit you.

Many people who share posts like yours dont seem to realize this truth, so let me tell you:

Abusive people dont abuse people ALL the time.

If they did they would NEVER get anyone in their lives to abuse!

Imagine, he punches you on your first date, youd press charges, call the cops, whatever, right? That DOESNT happen though.

They win their future victims over, like he has done with you, until you feel like “youre in too deep/youre too much in love” whatever…and THEN, eventually, the abuse starts and please know he will blame YOU for it.

If this was a problem he owned and admitted to and wanted to change, simply put, he would be taking action to do so.

This relationship is not safe for you and you should create an exit plan to break up and get out/away as soon as you can.


BruceShark88 t1_iycl6y8 wrote

Youre not confused.

You want to leave but have already classified yourself as “an absolute fool” if you do.

People end relationships all the time, why cant you? Your post is filled with criticisms of him and things you dont like but please know You are CHOOSING to stay with him.

We cant change anyone else. You are choosing to stay in a relationship that isnt working anymore…for what? “To keep up appearances”?

Dont take our word for any of this, its been 5 years, you have plenty of material to take and go discuss all this with a therapist and see what they have to say.

Best to you🧡