
CAElite t1_j5k066o wrote

Reply to comment by Tr3ndk1ll in Walking Boots in the UK by 7ewis

British army boots are made by Altberg, you can buy them direct from the manufacturer, or buy some of their lines much more suited to casual walking. For about £200.


CAElite t1_j55nc06 wrote

Yeah, in the video I linked he actually goes into the life cycle costs, fuel cells & batteries just don’t make sense in their current state vs hydrogen combustion, even if it is some 30-40% less efficient.

Personally I can see this carrying forward into other alternative fuel situations such as transportation, with budget & enthusiast markets, where efficiency plays second fiddle to cap ex or method of operation, alternative/carbon free fuel (hydrogen ultimately) ICE is here to stay.


CAElite t1_j54uldn wrote

JCB actually go fairly deeply in depth about this

Essentially batteries just aren’t viable within the usage scenario & weight requirements of plant equipment. As well as the capital expenditure.

The capital expenditure for fuel cells just doesn’t work in the current market.

On site hydrogen production works well with many site power grids and JCB project it being fairly plentiful in the future.


CAElite t1_iym0t4m wrote

At least London has public transport options, personally I find the implementation here in Glasgow to be more heinous as the city serves a large portion of rural Scotland, and commuting options outside of a car are just non-existent. The measure posed here is also more stringent with far less exemptions & a larger fine. In one of the poorest cities in the UK.

For me working just south of Glasgow city centre I’m a 35 minute drive, costing about £6 in diesel both ways, or a 1 hour 15min train with a £14 on peak return cost.

I believe Manchester had similar issues but their local authority was surprisingly able to listen to reason & scrapped the plan.


CAElite t1_iykgu1h wrote

ULEZ is about keeping the working poor off of the roads.

It doesn't discourage oversized single occupancy vehicle use.

It doesn't encourage public transport/EV use.

It simply charges people who cannot afford a new car (petrol/gas newer than 2005ish, diesel newer than 2016ish, 50% of cars sold 2010-2016 where diesel in the UK, and where previously encourage as the environmentally friendly/economic option).

Would like to remind US posters that cars in the UK are heavily taxed, and our wages are far lower on average than most US cities, even in London, ~$30-40k is average, so simply upgrading is a difficult option for many.


CAElite t1_ivf3p7v wrote

Did you bother reading the rest of my post where I literally said China was a larger more relevant example that experiences the same issues.

There is not an availability issue of green energy in most of the world, however there are geographic and transmission challenges.

I can’t recall a good source of the studies but there was a lot of feasibility studies done on Saharan solar energy to be exported to industrialised Europe/Turkey, but the transmission is an astronomical barrier.


CAElite t1_ivee2ow wrote

I simply disagree, we do not have an availability issue with green energy, we have a geographic issue with green energy, in that it simply isn’t produced where people need it. You can see examples of this all over the world.

To cite my home country, Scotland, where our highlands produce over 200% of their energy requirements from wind & hydro. However where these sites are population is extremely sparse, meaning there are massive grid transmission issues getting the power to where it is needed. There’s a great video on this here highlighting Orkney

To cite a larger more relevant example to global warming, China, who currently have both the largest expansion of coal power with the largest expansion of wind & hydro. The problems they are facing is their green energy is situated predominantly in the sparsely populated west, with their industrial power houses being along the eastern coast, needing supplemented by coal generation, as China does not have adequate gas sources for cleaner generation ( here’s a good more in depth documentary on Chinese energy infrastructure). They are experimenting with extremely high voltage transmission lines however they are still problematic with the huge distances involved.

Grid transmission is a massive issue, and one that is being exacerbated by BEV usage, home chargers are already a huge grid issue we are seeing here in Scotland with the stress of substations and dated residential transmission lines, we have seen a 200-300% uptick in localised grid demand in affluent areas here, and that is even with our very small <5% EV adoption.

This is where many hydrogen schemes come in, it can be produced in large volumes at green energy production sites, and shipped or piped out, the same way gas & oil production happen today. Without requiring a near rebuilding of our energy grid. Where there’s losses on on paper efficiency, which is ever reducing with Japanese firms predicting an 80% production efficiency in the next 5 years (up from 30-40% in the last 5) there is potential to save billions on grid infrastructure. If you want a good video on Japans hydrogen development I think this is a good one: although it’s focusing in a big way on the nuclear production of hydrogen, which is a fairly new concept, conventional production is being helped lately with the advent of carbon nano fibre filters & catalyst bases.


CAElite t1_ivea6oz wrote

Always amazes me particularly in the mass transportation debate over BEV vs HEVs.

A couple of petrochemical companies fund studies being complimentary over hydrogen, that’s the view of it tainted forever.

Government which owns 80% of the worlds lithium reserves constantly hypes up BEVs, must be entirely legitimate!

To anyone with any engineering sense, hydrogen makes sense, it’s lighter, more recyclable (carbon fibre tanks vs rare earth metal batteries), more similar to current usage cases, doesn’t require the rebuilding of power grids and has huge propensity for energy independent production. The only hurdle currently with green hydrogen is it’s energy requirements, which are A. Always falling as innovations occur and B. And relatively easy hurdle to overcome with green energy.