
Capable_Nature_644 t1_jddw2bs wrote

redfin is still the best website to use. Unless you buy a home then you need a real-estate agent.

To get anything less than 900 is unheard of. You're lucky to get a dingy one room one bed studio apartment if even that.


Capable_Nature_644 t1_jbzozvl wrote

Hillbilly like living? Not much you can do. If your hoa is active you can try to fine them for violations but that's about it. You can always call the pd non emergency number and request a health and wellness check up. Keep in mind when you live on a farm you also have to deal with animals as well.


Capable_Nature_644 t1_jb6n8gu wrote

Electricians have no problem finding work in this state. You can always start by getting on with a major corporation such as pse (pudget sound energy) and go from there. If you reside in tacoma or seattle or bellevue you have a vast job market open to you.

Just be aware tacoma isn't like the safest city to live in. My cousins moved to tacoma for a couple years and had so many crimes and issues that they decided it wasn't worth it any more and put their house on the market. They both remotely work so they can reside any where.

Seattle has it's issues to but isn't as bad. The homeless population is out of control just fyi. Mostly due to the fact housing market and apartment rent is so high no one can afford even the cheapest things.

I'd highly recommend belllevue even though it is a major city and traffic isn't all that great. I watched it grow from a sleepy little suburban area to a major metropolis hub. We only moved because of traffic and housing prices sort of forced us to buy south in renton/kent area.

Issauqh is a nice little rich folk town. You have two income classes in that town rich or poor very little middle class. Due to the housing marking installing 1 mill/bill dollar homes. Apartment rents are also ridiculously high. Rent averages for most around $1,500 mo up to $3k monthly. Easily. That's not including your other monthly expenses and bills. Most live in issaquah and commute to bellevue or seattle.

If you can average about $38-70k annually you will do well in what ever city you reside in. Traffic in king county isn't all that great during rush hour. Please do not live 2+ hrs away. You'll regret it really quickly unless you have opposite commute shift.


Capable_Nature_644 t1_jau5rjy wrote

My parents opened up a bank account for me but didn't let me use it at all. They deposited money into it and after a while turned it into a cds and money markets and let it grow until college. Then I was allowed to use it with supervision. This type of thing can easily be managed on your own without any special services.


Capable_Nature_644 t1_jalcttq wrote

That no turn on red law hasn't taken effect yet. You need to stop before the line count to 3 one thousands of a second. Move forward stop again count 3 one thousands of a second, check then go. And you're fine. If you do one stop you are legally liable for a ticket.

You did a yield check? That's illegal. The cameras can check to see if your speed is at 0 mph and if it isn't they can ticket you.

If wa state ever does pass the law no right turn on red. The city will have to effectively enforce it. Considering how bad they are at enforcing normal driving rules I highly, highly doubt they'd ever get close to enforcing this one.

Even when intersections have no turn on red signs for driver safety people still are dumb affes and run them.


Capable_Nature_644 t1_ja40xeq wrote

I'd highly suggest to talk to a lawyer to get this false claim removed. If this does go on their record yes it can have serious consequences. This will severly restrict their employment opporunities.

I had a friend do a big crime shortly after high school. They were for ever stuck with fast food jobs after that. If it weren't for online application development he probably never would of been able to get out of that. You can freelance.


Capable_Nature_644 t1_ja1l89l wrote

Wa state doesn't have income tax. When you write your taxes you'll just need to report your property tax payment. If you earn income in wa state yes you will need to report it. Since you're from ut you probably won't have an issue with the snow and winter Spokane gets.

I'd also suggest a video camera security system so you can watch your home from afar. I'd highly suggest multiple ring cameras. Amazon has a few drone cameras you can use inside as well. We use these to check our vaca homes now and then. The auto sensor future is awesome. Not so much as a cat gets past us.


Capable_Nature_644 t1_j9sk6jn wrote

Don't move to tocoma my cousins thought buying a home in a 500k area would avoid the theft. They've been near robbed three times now and one at gun point on a walk.

Please avoid auburn. I volunteered there for a year and saw how shitty it was. Crime rates super high. Homelessness out of control and the city is really run down and dirty.

Renton is okay but not great. It too has it's issues. Homelessness is a huge issue but swept under the rug. There's a lot of scummy areas but some of the higher income areas aren't bad. The city tends to focus on it's down town area and screws over the rural areas. I'd highly avoid cascade fairwood area. It has a lot of issues. Fairwood it self is a run down area that has a ton of issues. Renton highlands is decent but you def want a newer developed area.

Newcastle is okay. Prices are high and the city doesn't have a ton of money to manage it self.

Bellevue is a wonderful area if you can afford the insane house prices. I'd avoid neighborhoods that look run down or a little on the older side. If they are well managed then that's a good sign.

Redmond is amazing. We lived there once upon a time. Higher prices drove us down to renton/kent area.

Issaquah. It's a nice area but most of the homes will be on mountain hills. You will encounter more snow in these areas. It's a town with $$$ so you will have to deal with that attitude as well. I worked at a grocer out there and was harassed left and right by rich snobs. After 8 yrs I left because the harassment got so bad I was crying three nights a week. Management didn't give two shits about it and said it was part of the job to have douche bags. Really? to what degree. The day crowd wasn't bad and decent folk. The evening crowd is when the hidden element of the city came out. Druggies and low income people. issaquah doesn't have much of a middle class because they're not building middle income housing out there. It's either poor or rich out there. I was literally judged by the job out there. Let me juts say "health insurance job" Maybe people shouldn't judge people by the job they have. Yet society does. So they lost another worker. The store became super dirty because I was the only decent cleaner and sco was pushed more heavily because they lost me the glue to the staff that was holding it together.


Capable_Nature_644 t1_j9kcppx wrote

Yea right good luck. Your best bet is to room mate for that little. Be leery of whom you room mate with as you might be getting more than you can chew. is a great too to use for apartment/house hunting. If your seeking room rentals you'll need craig's list (total gamble), nextdoor and other social media places. You're literally placing your self with a gamble in these situations. It could be good, bad or terrible. For one month you're not going to find much. Your best bet is to couch surf with someone if you have family/friends in the area. Rentals are one yr contracts. Yoru best bet is an airbnbs. Though that can be pricy.

Have you considered an extended stay hotel or homeless hotels. They're designed for impoverished individuals that need some where temporary to stay that don't have much money. You must meet certain criteria to qualify for them. Your room mates however won't be of the best clientele but that might be your best option. You have to apply now for them as the wait list is a bit long.


Capable_Nature_644 t1_j8vi82z wrote

I work retail and this just means we'll get squatting homeless people inside our stores for hours on end. Every cold spell we generally end up calling pd to evict a few customers that refuse to leave upon closing doors. Social services have offered them services before but they're mostly drug addicts and bumbs.


Capable_Nature_644 t1_j8vhyl5 wrote

My employer screwed me over for a could of been promotion so I ain't coming into work when it snows. F' them. It's not a learning opportunity: it was clearly a screw you burn you scenario. Gotta love favoritism screw the person who's been doing the management duties of the department for the past 4 yrs. I saw my hard work go to crap in less than a week. I'm union so unless we have horrid attendance we can miss a week to snow.


Capable_Nature_644 t1_j77l9l1 wrote

With any annual renewal you want to wait until it is closer to expiration. With online subscriptions let it auto renew. If you have to manually renew it wait until the month of or day of. In driver's license wait until the month of.

When you renew things early; you loose time you could of gotten on your last subscription. Time and $ you'll never get back. Better to wait until about 3-6 weeks before it renews. Set an auto reminder on your calendar for one month before. If you renew online it will take 1-6 weeks to get to you. The dmv is closing down all but a few essential locations in my area. Due to online renewing being highly encuraged.


Capable_Nature_644 t1_j77g9jf wrote

Please file an osha complaint and a wage theft complaint. Asap!

Most states have a wage theft form you can fill out and submit. The u.s. gov should have one as well.

Osha, start documenting what is wrong and file a complaint. Let they be ligeit and valid enough for them to come out. I called the 800# and asked about a few minor issues and they said they were questionable unless they turned into a larger issue. Your issue is valid enough.