
Channel5exclusive t1_ivor6hx wrote

I've only ever used an iPhone for about two weeks and I hated it the entire time.

At the time I had a Samsung Galaxy S3. About six months or so before I was due for an upgrade the phone developed an issue. It would randomly shut off and restart for no reason. Over time it became more and more frequent until one day it shut off and wouldn't restart. At the time, the electronics store I was working and where I had purchased the phone, sold its own extended warranties on phones. I had purchased that warranty and had to send my phone away to our repair facility to see if it could be fixed or not. We didn't have loaner phones. My mother had two old phones at home, my old HTC Wildfire that I had given her after I upgraded to the Samsung and an old iPhone 4S that she had gotten from my sister in law, that my mother used to facetime with her grandchildren. I borrowed the iPhone to use while I waited for the verdict on my Samsung. I chose the iPhone because it was newer than the HTC and had a larger screen. I hated using that iPhone the whole time I had it. As luck should have it. After about two weeks the store got an email from the repair facility tell us to replace the phone with one out of our stock. I got a brand new Galaxy S3 about a month before I was due for an upgrade. A month later I upgraded to a Galaxy S5 and kept the brand new S3 as a back up. Never again would I ever use an iPhone.
