
CommonConfusables t1_j9f01se wrote

People have mentioned the flange being a specific direction in the floor.

Depending on your reasons, there may be other solutions for you. If you don’t want to share, you can share reasons like “I need additional clearance around the toilet” or “it would give me more privacy” or “toilet position causes injuries or blocks pathway”


CommonConfusables t1_j8wot46 wrote

Here is an article discussing how Texas is a leader in wind and solar, and how lawmakers invested in coal, gas, and oil are trying to make renewables more difficult to get, make, or add to the system for their own financial benefit.

You can’t deny that there are shitty lawmakers trying to hold back forward motion for their own financial benefit and that many of the ones in Texas for this situation are Republican.


CommonConfusables t1_j7kqrld wrote

I have a feeling it took data from the time Jerry Seinfeld made a transphobic joke stemming from something Steven Colbert said about a car.

Jerry Seinfeld is not a fan of being censored and has been in hot water for poorly executed jokes of poor taste, specifically around trans people.

Art imitates life.


CommonConfusables t1_j6miu5g wrote

If it’s per bag, fill large bags.

I drive 30 minutes to dispose of rubble because it’s better than burying it.

Saving a bag in the corner of your lawn for when you do rubble will probably be unoticeable, but digging up your yard or a permanent hole to bury rubble will fuck up future plans. Don’t let lazy dictate your actions.


CommonConfusables t1_j6dne04 wrote

Why not just put them out front with “free” so that someone who needs bricks for a project can take them for you and all you have to do is leave them there?

A few reasons not to bury construction:

-it leaks into your ground water

-if you ever want to use that area of the yard for something else then you have to dig it up

-planting a garden or getting things to grow in that area will be difficult, including anything that roots.

-you could use that rubble to build something wildlife and nature will love

-future you won’t remember exactly where you buried it to dig it all up

-even if you don’t dig it up a future homeowner will have a massive pain of a project


CommonConfusables t1_j6cwikl wrote

I use a mason jar or tin with locking lid.

Single use Plastic bottles break down over time and will eventually leak, especially if previously exposed to something acidic like juice.

If you don’t want paint on your floor, use a mason jar or other durable things. Ideally paint wouldn’t be exposed to light when stored, which you mentioned, but dark containers are going to be better, too. It’s why paint cans are dark.

I assume you are asking about this because you saw something like the touch up cup.

You might be able to get away with a container that truly seals with a lid that tightly closes, but any air will dry out the paint so make sure it locks tight.


CommonConfusables t1_j4pznqq wrote

You could have stopped at “it’s a miracle she’s alive.”

When you added something “easier” to abduct it became a really insulting statement towards autistic women who are deaf, and even those of use who are not deaf.

My autism makes it so I don’t trust anyone and I have memorized ways to protect myself and what I would do in various scenarios. I have helped a lot of people out of dangerous positions, and even rescued a kid getting beat up by a group of larger boys that no one else would interrupt going by.

My autism makes me that person who saves the day.

Autism is a spectrum…not a label to describe someone as less than. Yes, having a disability of any kind can make you more of a target by assholes looking to do harm, but that doesn’t mean a woman with autism wouldn’t fuck up an attacker.


CommonConfusables t1_j2da04m wrote

It goes back further, but the flashy evil that he is the face of uses Reagan as a blueprint. Consider Reagan the face of a team of baddies. Responsible but nor the sole blame.

His wife’s anti-drug campaigns did some pretty heavy damage on society by way of stereotyping and instilling fear.


CommonConfusables t1_ixq2fri wrote

As a vertical farmer I get more yield from less square footage than other farmers.

I can have a smaller footprint to maintain, which means using less materials for watering and maintenance, and double or more yield by utilizing vertical space for growth.

I also intergrow species, meaning I plant more than one type of harvestable plant in one square foot of space because some grow up and some grow down. Use all the space.

Vertical growth also reduces noise and acts as a barrier.

I am confused why you think it couldn’t be scaled?


CommonConfusables t1_iudsr6l wrote

Yes apply.

Your wife needs to write down the facts in order, including the positive reviews. She will use this if the company argues against her application.

I have learned that companies like this either don’t answer the paperwork from unemployment so they don’t lie to the government, or they try and claim bullshit that she can refute.

The person asking her questions is usually pretty kind and has no determination on the situation, but their wording can, so make sure she just states facts, not feelings. (A fact is that she had positive reviews, a fact is that no one brought up anything negative about her performance prior to firing her, a feeling is being sad about what happened or angry at them for how they sucked).

File for unemployment. Help establish a pattern so that labor and industry can help.


CommonConfusables t1_is5y2bl wrote

A fungus and land mismanagement, among other things lightly outlined in the article above.

A dependence on the single crop of potato was a result of British land owners limiting crops to a single one that grew well, followed by a fungal infection from the conditions. Potatoes aren’t native to Ireland, so there will be diseases it encounters there that it wouldn’t in SA.

Single crop growing is not a good idea for anyone. The dust bowl is bound to happen again as long as we continue to till up land for one plant in one spot instead of interspecies growing.