
Crunk_NH t1_jctlfkf wrote

First, calling someone a boomer is such a lazy insult. At least put some effort into it. Second, you likely have no idea of their age. Third, instead of being jealous and complaining, maybe instead put that effort into bettering yourself so that you can reach a level of wealth that will enable you to own multiple houses.


Crunk_NH t1_ja4kgks wrote

What I can say is that I’ve been to several places in NH that are supposedly hangouts for people in the lifestyle. For example, Cooper Door, Backyard Brewery, and Chen’s in Derry. There are certainly lifestyle events that happen at these places from time to time, but I don’t think there any secret pineapple or key signal for any random night. I can tell you that the lifestyle is much more prevalent than you likely know. I can almost certainly guarantee that you know people in the lifestyle that don’t advertise it. I also know for certain that there are lifestyle house parties in Bedford and areas around the seacoast, but it’s more of a “you have to know someone” to be invited kind of thing. There are also numerous groups around NH, Boston, and Providence that advertise and have events for people to attend without having to know someone already.


Crunk_NH t1_ja4jh0d wrote

Definitely not true. I know of many happily married people in the lifestyle. It really depends on how solid your relationship was to begin with, and how much communication and trust you have with your partner. Some people see it as a bandaid to fix what is already broken—which just delays the inevitable. However, if you have a strong relationship to begin with, and can love multiple people, or just want to screw around with multiple people, it can be an amazing and wonderful thing.


Crunk_NH t1_j9gyood wrote

The whole “Masshole” moniker/obsession here is so childish and odd to me. WHO THE HELL CARES. There’s good and bad people from all of the surrounding states. If you want visit or move to the state, come on over. I frankly don’t care where you’re from. Frankly, if you’re coming from mass, statistically you’re likely to bring more money along with you to spend, so to some extent, I’d even prefer it.


Crunk_NH t1_j8w9k3p wrote

The list in this comment is pretty good. I ride musquash and masabesic regularly and have been to all of the others mentioned. I actually think there’s a ton of trails around. Just get Trailforks and explore around the map!

I think when you get up to the Lincoln area it starts to lack, but southern NH has a lot going on for trails. And, sometimes I’ll even head down to mass too (eg to the trail system around Billerica that I’m forgetting the name of).


Crunk_NH t1_j03mck7 wrote

Bummer. One of the better restaurants in NH. It was one of the few places that had good enough food that I’d be willing to pay $13 for a block of grilled halloumi cheese. Unfortunately, with the exception of Hanover St Chophouse and Crown Tavern, I think it’s difficult for manch to support higher end restaurants where people are willing to pay a higher price for quality food/drink.


Crunk_NH t1_ix3ajyw wrote

Kelsen, followed by Rig-a-Tony’s, then Paisanos. Buxtons is a food truck, but if you can find it and they haven’t sold out, they are really good too.