DUNG_INSPECTOR t1_jaeduiq wrote

> What we have is someone who didn’t know the age of Matlock’s audience

I do know the age of Matlock's audience as I am 45 years old and remember it being on air.

> > who decided to jump in and try to “well actually” another person

Literally the only thing my original comment said was that the show was on the air until 1995. > > then moved the goalposts

I have not moved any goalposts. I do not think a large number of original Matlock fans are alive, but I do believe that it is a larger number than the person I originally replied to was suggesting. That's it.

> No one’s picking a fight over the age of Matlock’s audience

> ...

> talking out of their ass.

It's amusing that you claim to not be picking a fight and then go on that little rant afterwards. You seem to be very worked up over this and I have no interest in arguing with you. I will not be replying to anymore combative comments on your part.


DUNG_INSPECTOR t1_jae9c7y wrote

> picking a fight over whether Matlock had old fans or not takes the cake.

That's an odd take on this thread. I do not doubt that Matlock had an older audience, the only thing I did was point out that the show was on not that long ago.

I also have to point out the fact that you are here, picking a fight over the age of the Matlock audience. A little self-awareness can go a long way.


DUNG_INSPECTOR t1_jae8ueu wrote

> you're 74 today.

Unless you are suggesting that there is no alive over the age of 73 I don't see the relevance.

> Andy Griffith fans who were 65 when the show started are over 100, if they're still alive.

Uhh... that's a completely different show. Outside of the fact that Andy Griffith played both parts there is no relevance.

Although I will point out that shows like Matlock and Andy Griffith continued to air after they ended, hell you can still watch the Andy Griffith show on OTA channels. I'm 45 and have watched, and enjoyed, both shows.

> Seriously, how many people in their 20s and 30s were watching 'Matlock' in the mid-90s? I sure as hell wasn't.

I love baseless speculation based on personal anecdotes.
