
t1_jaed387 wrote

No one’s picking a fight over the age of Matlock’s audience. It’s a fact that they were very old in 1995 and between now and then, the majority of people watching the show have passed on to the next life.

What we have is someone who didn’t know the age of Matlock’s audience (you) who decided to jump in and try to “well actually” another person, then moved the goalposts when they were shown to be talking out of their ass.


t1_jae8fo6 wrote

Well good thing the poster never said there's no one left alive that has seen Matlock. He said the bulk of Matlock's demographic is probably dead by now, which given the numbers involved, is likely true.

I've seen people pick fights over stupid shit on reddit, but picking a fight over whether Matlock had old fans or not takes the cake.


t1_jae7u8j wrote

The Simpsons used to have a running gag where all the old people in the retirement home want to do is watch Matlock and they react violently if they don’t get their way.

They dropped it because even in the late 90s, Matlock had zero cultural relevance with anyone under 70.


t1_ja92a6e wrote

Blame the distributors for not making more episodes available to critics for review. The most famous case of this is Bojack Horseman. Netflix sent out the first six episodes before the show aired and those are pretty meh episodes. It took a BIG creative leap in the second half of the season. There were critics who when the show came out kept watching and said as much. But if Netflix had supplied them with those eps to begin with, the reviews would have been a lot better.


t1_j9foz9r wrote

It’s depressing, but it seems completely plausible, that he could use a slur like that so casually and not understand its meaning. He didn’t seem very bright, but he did put in the work to educate himself and make amends, so if a team wants to take a chance, that’s fine. There has to be room for people to be welcomed back after putting in the work to improve themselves and make amends.