
DafnissM t1_jdpugmo wrote

It’s happens to me too, I’m a very anxious person and even when I’m watching a movie or a video I will constantly check the time left but it’s not to a degree that bothers me, I’ve even learnt to skim carefully to just see the page number and avoid spoilers in books lol.


DafnissM t1_ja8ghx5 wrote

I agree, writing is an art and thus shouldn’t be pushed, Martin and Rothfuss have taken a ridiculous amount of time so it has even become an inside joke in the book community, but they’re already name brands and have the luxury of doing that; in the meantime we should be looking and supporting other authors.


DafnissM t1_ja8d05g wrote

I read both because at the time I had the delusion that the wait wouldn’t be that long. When I read ASOIAF, Winds of Winter was still listed as coming out in 2020 and we all know how that went. Something similar happened with KingKiller, I had no idea that the third book had been underway for so long, so I just figured I would just wait a little and then I could read books 2 and 3 together, which hasn’t happened yet.

In general, I usually engage with new series all the time and have no issue waiting for the sequel to come out, sometimes a book will be in my tbr list but it’s not top priority so when I come back to it I have the nice surprise that its series is now finished and I can binge read it. I’ll only avoid series where the author has been vocal about cancelling or not wanting to finish them, which is not that common.


DafnissM t1_j9fjq87 wrote

Haven’t read her and probably never will because her genre isn’t my thing, but I’ve been on Booktube for a long time and a few years ago everyone loved her so I find it kinda weird that now that she’s gaining popularity they say her books are awful.