
DerSturmbannfuror t1_j158f0j wrote

Frankly, if the food store has its own entrance and doesn't share most of its parking slots with other stores, then it really won't be any worse then going to a free standing food store, for the most part. Of course a food store across from Giants stadium in a mall That's a tourist attraction is NOT your typical jersey mall


DerSturmbannfuror t1_ixjgzck wrote

walking around downtown and esp Journal Square, there isn't really much they can to vis a vis easing the coming auto nightmare in those areas, except for making more of those roads one way (which is something i guess) the roads are too narrow to be widened without using current pedestrian ROWs, not to mention the great bike lanes that they've instituted. JC needs to invest in better public transit into the city, they need express bus lanes on their north/south routes (JFK blvd, Palisade ave, Bergan, Westside, Garfield aves, hopefully a light rail thru journal square somehow or something. upgrade the jitneys, give them priority or something but the Last thing i'd want to do is commute there via car in say, 3 years. as bad as it is now the traffic is going to be muy merde once the a lot of those buildings are done. all imho of coiurse


DerSturmbannfuror t1_ix9fhr9 wrote

I’d recommend coming out for the weekend, renting a car and touring the areas mentioned. If you’re strictly looking for an urban area filled with young professionals, the only place to find them in a sizable # would be in the Jersey city, Hoboken area. It’s similar to Portland or Atlanta, major difference being both JC & Hoboken play 2nd fiddle to the biggest, most vibrant city in the nation directly across the River. Driving to JC or Manhattan from the suburbs is NOT recommended if you’re out to have fun (traffic can be worse in the evening than for the morning commute) That’s what the trains and Uber are for. There are myriad hangout spots that cater to post graduates throughout north Jersey and you’ll be able to find your peers in any of the places mentioned, the downside being that these places aren’t concentrated in any one area outside of JC and Hoboken, so living in the Somerville, New Brunswick, Morristown environs would cause you to make more of a an effort meeting fellow peers