
DoctorWaluigiTime t1_j6cv36s wrote

Of course, but my point is that thirst or dehydration doesn't happen by virtue of "it's been 6 hours" or whatever. It takes a day+ at minimum to start getting to danger levels unless you are actively working out / doing more than hermit-ing in the household.

Which again, your body will inform you of this, long before you get to actual dehydration (headaches et al). "I'm thirsty" is not the same thing as "I'm in a state of dehydration."


DoctorWaluigiTime t1_j6ct6s8 wrote

It's okay to not drink water that long. Your body will inform you when you're thirsty. I suggest next few times you are thirsty you don't chug the whole bottle all in one go, however.

And yes, "you must have X amount of water a day" is bunk. Your body will not let you get into states of dehydration (which occurs long after "I haven't had a drink in six hours" -- you do that every night when you sleep, and you aren't in a state of dehydration when you wake up).


DoctorWaluigiTime t1_irtnzty wrote

I honestly don't get this critique, since what few times it's mentioned it's always done as "this is bad and you should feel bad if you take it that way."

Heck, >!when Molly does become his apprentice the literal first thing he does is dump icewater over her and makes it a clear that he's not putting up with this student-teacher romance BS so don't even try the flirty-flirt nonsense.!<

Been a few years since reading the series proper but Dresden never comes off as "tongue hanging out and awooga horns play whenever he sees a woman" beyond the first couple books.