
DoxedFox t1_j1z5g9u wrote

I mean if you'd just think for a second the answer is quite obvious.

They've had more than enough time to prevent this. Instead they kept their zero COVID policy while the rest of the world moved on.

Now their next wave is hitting and it's hitting hard.

It would have been understandable had this been happening a year ago. Now it's unacceptable.


DoxedFox t1_izv9wu3 wrote

Convicted of espionage, not a bogus weed conviction.

The US can only trade when Russia is willing to make a deal. Clearly they haven't agreed on something. It's going to cost a lot more than an arms dealer who has 7 years before he's freed anyways, that's for sure.

You do realize that any deal requires Russia's cooperation right? I hope you do.


DoxedFox t1_izuzztt wrote

What a fucking stupid comment.

You do realize that Bout was going to be released at some point either way? He wasn't serving a life sentence and would be released in 2029.

America isn't leaving someone to rot in Russia. It was a pretty good trade.