
DragoonXNucleon t1_iuxst30 wrote

This approach is miles more expensive than a cookie cutter home by main builders. The issue isn't that we can't build affordable homes its zoning issues and land costs. Why earn 10k profit a low income home when you can earn 50k profit for a high end home on the same land. In addition zoning laws mandate things like parking, minimum sizes, minimum set backs, to prevent low income people from lowering home values in richer neighborhoods.

The bullshit system and affordability crisis isn't a tech problem, its the system working as designed... by rich people to stay rich.


DragoonXNucleon t1_irt46d2 wrote

So assassination then, dunno why this isn't the solution. He senselessly kills thousands more of we kill 1 single person. This is the trolley problem and we're choosing the wrong answer continually.

It is an objective fact that Putin is more dangerous than Bin Laden ever was and his body is at the bottom of the ocean now.


DragoonXNucleon t1_ir5im90 wrote

He's a legit GM without cheating. So to cheat he needs a minimum simply the name of the piece. At his level simply knowing which piece is likely enough for him to know what move to make. At most you need a 3 letter signal. Kc3, bg7, re1. Morse code, or even a single number can be enough to queue him.


DragoonXNucleon t1_ir5ho1c wrote

Classical games can last between 1 and 5 hours. Players will often "have a think" where they go and ruminate on a single move for 15 minutes because they have to calculate the move and all possibilities after it, which can include hundreds of resulting combinations.

During this time they often leave the board, walk, pace, smoke. They have to do it in approved areas without speaking to anyone, but 15m is a longtime to send a signal.