
t1_jci60yy wrote

Yes, autistic people are deficient in some ways. This is the definition, “A serious developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact.”. Autism is literally a deficiency in social skills that make it harder for them to succeed in a modern day society that relies on social skills.

I don’t mean to be offensive, but being deficient in something or having a medical condition that makes you struggle in certain situations, is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. But pretending that people with autism don’t need help or assistance only makes it harder for them to get actual assistance.


t1_jaaddjf wrote

I mean he has more than just a good rookie year of your referring to Wentz. He honestly had a good rookie contract and then turned to shit. He was also still pretty good even after his acl tear in 2017. He was a top 4 qb for most of his rookie deal. He got a big contract and then he really started to turn to shit.

People blame it on the knee and it’s hard to know what it really was, but honestly I think teams just figured him out. He loved to play hero ball and extend plays. Defensives figured out how he moved and how to play against him and he could simply never adjust. He played one way and struggled to change. You have to constantly be adapting in the nfl or people will figure your shit out.


t1_j8jx6sl wrote

If I had to guess it’s something to do with the fact that Vermont and Maine are the whitest states in the U.S, so I would assume that’s it’s probably people who are white and some other race. I know I grew up near Indian island and I’m sure all of those people would all identify as mixed race even though the vast majority are white passing (not that I’m saying there is anything wrong with being white passing and identifying as another race).


t1_ixdfooa wrote

Ya that makes a lot of sense. We’ve lost so much of the industry that brought people to Maine in the first place. And drugs have seemed to be the thing that replaced those jobs. I’m from the Bangor area and this place seems like it’s falling apart more and more every year. Especially the farther you go away from the city.


t1_ir4ptd2 wrote

If he did cheat irl, it’s speculated that it probably would have only been a couple moves at critical points, which for top level players can make all the difference. How he got the information could have been done in several different ways. He could have had a hidden ear piece, signals from the crowd, or some sort of small vibrating machine which the world seems to be convinced would have been in the form of vibrating anal beeds.


t1_ir4pm7m wrote

Well to be fair the article really only provided strong evidence for him cheating online. Much of which he admitted to. They found irregularities in his over the board play and with his rise in ranking, but it’s still possible that he wasn’t cheating when playing against magnus. That being said it definitely doesn’t look good for him. From what I’ve read there has been a lot of speculation from many top players in the chess community that he had been cheating for some time.