
DryEyes4096 t1_j7zhqca wrote

That's incredibly, surreal, dark, and awesome but it doesn't scare me so much, but it's really good. The non-Euclidean geometry of the person climbing out of a sink too small to hold their body is a little disconcerting though.


DryEyes4096 t1_j6miuxb wrote

Ouch, I hope you enjoy the relief from the pain...

I've had two. The first one had me very confused, had me thinking like I'd been shot in the back in my sleep or something. The pain is that bad, people don't realize what it's like...


DryEyes4096 t1_j30vtvg wrote

Lets go with the idea that the ubermensch will appear.

Nietzsche said that if you were to meet an ubermensch you would not recognize them and think that they were a Devil. If they exist in society now, do you think that they're going to act like some big titanic Greek statue with a halo of genius emanating from shining white eyes with evil amoral hordes crushing everything in their path to ultimate power?

No, they're going to make fun of humans to themselves, and gain power by catering to all of the weaknesses that humans adore. All of the human neuroses, fear of death, hatred of life, celebration of weakness...it'll come pouring out of their mouths like a river to those around them. The ubermenschen in human society will disguise themselves as mere humans to avoid being destroyed by those who fear them, and may even be content in this role, as it is indeed a decent challenge to not be killed by groups of humans when they perceive something more powerful than themselves.

Clark Kent is Superman's comment on humanity, not who he truly is.


DryEyes4096 t1_j1hxp7s wrote

I believe that Nietzsche was incredibly sarcastic. He, not the reader, knew what the uebermensch was, which he wouldn't have brought into the world if he hadn't taken atheism as a "matter of course" (or did he?)...one can feel a bit...undone...by his ideas if you embrace them, can't you? Like can't you just feel the wisdom draining from your mind one sentence at a time and filled with some nameless grand sense of megalomania, even as every virtue and goodness that could elevate you disappears into some abyss? Don't you feel a bit distracted by your own unrealistic desires? Maybe enthralled by things that push you aside from mainstream social life, as if one were simply removed from others' lives altogether? Maybe even a bit "dead"?

Do you really want to find meaning in Nietzsche or do you want to create your own meaning to life? What are you searching for? It's your mind that writes the meaning, not Nietzsche's... unless you believe him like he's some kind of "prophet", "preacher", or even "Antichrist", of course. I believe that Nietzsche said in Ecce Homo that if you were to meet his uebermensch, you would not recognize him or probably think that he was "...a devil!" Really now?

Nietzsche encouraged us to almost blithely create a mythos as "a lie, to give life meaning". He also asked why we seek truth instead of untruth. He also spoke in constant double-entendres in the manner of Heraclitus, so that anyone can interpret him in many different manners, as per their choice.

People think he destroyed metaphysics, but I think he simply concealed it from enough people that I don't need to worry about them questioning the effect of the meaning I give life on people, who seem so wrapped up in their own beliefs not to notice...


DryEyes4096 t1_j0i16zk wrote

When you say that something is a good, it is because the good is what is sought when achieving an end. All voluntary actions are taken to achieve something that is considered to be a good on some level by oneself, thus it is impossible to seek evil in and of itself unless one is insane and views evil itself as a good. It is possible to seek goods that are lesser, detrimental to others, or based on an inaccurate understanding of reality--this is corruption.

My point is that people do not seek to do evil ever, they only seek to do things that are good only for themselves and no one else, or they are deluded as to the reality of a situation. Even people who perversely seek to do acts of pure malice view the pleasure obtained from the malicious act to be a good that is sought by themselves. What we call evil is the choosing of a lesser good over a greater one, so there is a hierarchy of goods, with the best action being at the top and the worst action being the least good. Evil is like an asymptote that can't ever be reached. Pure Evil is like the speed of light: it can be sought, but never obtained, and this is because one simply seeks evil as a good, leaving the tiniest spark of goodness in one's motivations.

There is always some good sought for someone or something in some action, so one should speak about what is the best course of action to achieve worthy goals, acknowledging the hierarchical nature of goods and their complex relationships to people and things rather than fitting them into a binary category. Binaries do not exist in nature, they are a product of simplified human analysis of a situation. What does exist in reality is a complex set of interacting things, and goodness is what one seeks when one performs literally any action--even if it is an inferior good that is accompanied by great destructiveness to others or the world.


DryEyes4096 t1_iyyj696 wrote

For the kidney stone I had, I had morphine and it made me go from a 10 on the pain scale to a 0 and I felt rather euphoric. I had a surgery on the ball of my left femeur to remove a benign osteoid osteoma tumor and they gave me Demerol...it worked fine, no pain, but it felt dirty and disoriented me in a way that morphine didn't.


DryEyes4096 t1_iycw8uh wrote

Not sure...in Chicago people called "heroin" "hehr-ahn" in some neighborhoods for a while, like maybe 20 years ago. I think drug users just get tired of calling drugs the same thing over and over again since they talk about them so much.


DryEyes4096 t1_iw1pt1j wrote

This is such bullshit. Some misery is a choice, some isn't. If I killed someone's child, misery is not a choice and they wouldn't have an opportunity for it to make them stronger. Strength is also honed and made better sometimes, but sometimes you either have a certain amount of strength or you don't.