ECU_BSN t1_j8nvdt0 wrote

I am a IFS “graduate”. This was the ONLY thing that helped me move through some BIG PTSD and anger.

I had 2 parts that were specifically burdened, heavily. I gave one of them the name “Nelly”. Once I understood WHY that “part” did such a difficult job…it made sense. From there it was a bit easier until the burden felt easy and her load was lighter. For me it was “ah. Ok! I now know what you do and why you do that, Nelly. So if anything happens in the future that brings up the trauma we know what to do. And if, forbid, trams happens then you k ow your job Nelly”

So I stopped trying to pry that out of my brain and gave it permission to work when needed. After time she just vibes and I k ow I am capable of enduring.


ECU_BSN t1_j60cxlp wrote

I was 45, post breast cancer, 40% body fat and muscle mass was well below 40 pounds. Basically I was 215 points of fat on a frame.

Step one. Make the time. Start doing SOMETHING at that daily time.

You can “not exercise” at any time. However- you have to show up at the workout spot/place, fully dressed, at the scheduled time. You can look at the door or whatever. THEN you can decide to not workout.

Drink water. Basically only water for now.

Meet your intake of daily lean proteins. Don’t worry about the other things to start. Just hit your protein target every day. Not over, but especially not under.

That’s where I started. It grew organically from there.

Under 30% fat and dropping. Muscle mass at 57 pounds.

Do NOT rely on weight. It’s useless. I dropped 4 pant sizes while weight was 155-157. Went from A 10 to a 6.