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Open_Comparison_5155 t1_j8mxlox wrote

Hi there! I was curious do unburdened parts ever go back to mistrusting the self or becoming a burdened part?


ECU_BSN t1_j8nvdt0 wrote

I am a IFS “graduate”. This was the ONLY thing that helped me move through some BIG PTSD and anger.

I had 2 parts that were specifically burdened, heavily. I gave one of them the name “Nelly”. Once I understood WHY that “part” did such a difficult job…it made sense. From there it was a bit easier until the burden felt easy and her load was lighter. For me it was “ah. Ok! I now know what you do and why you do that, Nelly. So if anything happens in the future that brings up the trauma we know what to do. And if, forbid, trams happens then you k ow your job Nelly”

So I stopped trying to pry that out of my brain and gave it permission to work when needed. After time she just vibes and I k ow I am capable of enduring.


LucilleAaronWayne OP t1_j8o2l2v wrote

Beautiuful u/ECU_BSN. It sounds like you and Nelly have quite a mutually trusting relationship.

Thank you for sharing your personal experience with everyone.


thaddeus423 t1_j8oc9ch wrote

This is such a fantastic concept.

Thank you for sharing.


LucilleAaronWayne OP t1_j8n114n wrote

The IFS model says that unburdenings are permanent. So if an unburdening is done fully, then theoretically that burden is removed forever from the Exile. This is typically what I see.

That said, if an unburdening was not done throughoughly, an Exile might need the person to go back to really finish a part of the process. Most often this means more witnessing.

In addition, an Exile can have more than one burden. So the Exile could still be a burdened part if the other burden(s) haven't been removed.

Another scenario in which an Exile's unburdening can be "undone" is when that process was not facilitated by Self, but by a Self-Like Part. These are parts that resemble Self because they have similar qualities (like compassion, curiosity, care) but are actually parts and have their own agenda. It can be difficult to identify these parts, even IFS therapists might not realize a client is in a Self-Like Part if the therapist is not alert to the possibility. (More info on Self-Like Parts here - ... I'm offering a free workshop on how to untangle yourself from these parts:

Theoretically, if an Exile was unburdened via the therapist's Self rather than the client's, then that part might still mistrust the client's Self.

Hope this helps! Follow up with more questions if you like.