
t1_jcgpe8m wrote

Welcome to PA.

It is all corruption. These systems have been developed over decades through kickbacks and bribes to make sure as many people as possible get their hands in your pocket. People from here that have never lived outside of PA and still live a few miles from where they were born think this is all normal and OK. I'm sure they will be along shortly to tell me how wrong I am.


t1_ixop6p8 wrote

Yeah most of HR at Amazon has nothing to do with any of that. They mostly answer stupid questions that revolve around time balances and process terminations. They don't train people, the learning department does that. Labor laws are enforced by legal and compliance. Lawsuits? Also legal. None of those seasonals are hired by Amazon. A temp agency does all of it. We just give them a quota. They don't even answer the stupid questions and process the terminations anymore. It is done by bots.


t1_ixon2gc wrote

They took a 8 billion dollar loss on Alexa this year, which is where the majority of these layoffs are happening. This is a business, not a charity. Perhaps one day UNICEF will get into the unprofitable devices business, but until then they will have to go through Amazon.

On a more serious note, Amazon is an incredibly bloated business. I know because I work there. I know people who work there remotely who don't even turn on their laptops every day. It is a very decentralized business model. Teams work independently and it is very easy to slip through the cracks. A lot of those 10,000 layoffs are HR personnel too. They are super bloated. Every building I have been to, HR is the largest support department. Bigger than IT, safety, and RME. Much of the job HR used to do a few years ago is now done by chat bots and outsourcing. I legit don't know WTF they do all day. There will probably be way more than 10,000 laid off by the time it's done. They don't pay stock dividends and there are only so many stock buybacks that they can do. Shareholders will not accept this level of loss from a company that should be printing money.