
Elephant_Alarmed t1_je9q167 wrote

tbh I really don't care about the map as long as there is stuff to explore and find I'm fine.

and from what I've seen they changed everything at least a bit and the main game will play in the sky anyway.

thing I'm curious about the most are heartpieces and stamina upgrades since the shrines are gone so they'll propably have 120 new challenges/minidungeons/skyislands/whateveritscalled that will give you a sense of progression, so yeah, I think there is enough new stuff.


Elephant_Alarmed t1_je4sjni wrote

really depends on what kind of exploration you like.

if you like abit of story those might be for you:

zelda, especially breath of the are games I can get lost in for days, in a very good way.

assassins creed games have a lot aswell and it's mostly quite nice to look at.

skyrim and other elder scrolls games are a good choice aswell, if you'd do all the content you'll be good for weeks.

witcher 3 has a lot to do aswell and has many choices so playthroughts stay interesting.

read dead redepmtion 2 - lots of story and lots of realisticish gameplay and such.


if you just want to explore maybe try those:

terraria - it's more then 2D minecraft and I enjoy it a lot more.

valheim - it's all about crafting and exploring

staker anomaly - it's stalker but 100% open world, nothing will ever top that atmosphere.

star citizien - pretty much like elite:dangerous but it needs a nasa computer to run.