Elmore420 t1_j6acj0d wrote
If you got the vehicle to the garage door where I can monitor where my tools are, yeah, I’ll help you out. If you only need a simple tool(s) that I have plenty of cheap duplicates of, I’ll give you those to carry down the road. Beyond that, no. It’s not my fault you didn’t buy a tool kit for your car.
Elmore420 t1_j5peh7y wrote
Reply to How do I caulk a 270 degree edge? by eagleslanding
Use 3M 5200. If it’s not at your hardware store, check with a Marine Supply or order off Amazon.
Elmore420 t1_j5he59r wrote
Reply to comment by jcurie in Are we doomed through AI or will it generate new opportunities (an optimists viewpoint) by jcurie
Yes we do, it’s a humanity wide issue. It’s why we’ve been failing evolution for the last 7000 years, and are facing extinction when we hit 9 billion people. We absolutely refuse to meet nature’s requirement for us even though the requirement is as simple as “Be kind and take care of each other.” We just don’t accept what nature made us and why.
Elmore420 t1_j5gi26a wrote
Reply to comment by jcurie in Are we doomed through AI or will it generate new opportunities (an optimists viewpoint) by jcurie
Then explain why we use it still? Why does Coltan Slavery exist if we don’t use it to profit from? Also your information is incorrect:
https://investingnews.com/daily/resource-investing/critical-metals-investing/tantalum-investing/2013-top-tantalum-producers-rwanda-brazil-drc-canada/ Australia doesn’t even make the top 5. The slave mines are the big suppliers.
Elmore420 t1_j5ge4sl wrote
Reply to comment by jcurie in Are we doomed through AI or will it generate new opportunities (an optimists viewpoint) by jcurie
This is where the tantalum for all our capacitors comes from. When you use an electronic device, you are benefiting yourself from the profits from human suffering. You can choose to rationalize that away however you please, but it doesn’t change the outcome vis-a-vis nature’s reality. All humans live in 2 realities as a consequence of Free Will and independent thought. There is the reality we create for ourselves that drives our choices as to how we live, and there is the reality nature provides for us to fulfill our place in. Now that we have evolved from animals to creators, it is up to us to create our own future together. It is our evolutionary challenge to create our future to fulfill our place in nature. We have one simple instruction to manage that, “Be kind and take care of each other.” In 10,000 years, we have never followed that instruction regardless any religion, revolution, or even science indicating that is what we should do.
Elmore420 t1_j5fsmbs wrote
Reply to Are we doomed through AI or will it generate new opportunities (an optimists viewpoint) by jcurie
It’s not AI that dooms us, it’s our choice to use slavery to create AI like we do all our electronics. It’s choosing to have an economy based in war and slavery so we can exploit human suffering for fun and profit that dooms us.
Elmore420 t1_j5ag3yw wrote
It’s irrelevant, it’s just a simulation of Singularity. It is the Human Superego that is the quantum field that matters, and it’s every bit as far away as 10,000 years ago when it formed. We’re simply too big of narcissistic assholes to ever evolve to full Singularity and gain quantum self awareness; we’re an evolutionary failure about to go extinct.
Elmore420 t1_j48fuw4 wrote
Reply to Programmable matter by crua9
All matter is programmed into existence out of Dark Matter by the quantum field we call "the quantum singularity." It is powered by a microbiome of Life living in the Multiverse. Every living thing in it has its own quantum field, including us, we can measure the Dark Energy flowing out of us with an EEG, our mind exists as a quantum field that encompasses our body, we just don’t understand it because we haven’t managed to complete our evolutionary transition from animal to creator, because in the 10,000 years since the formation of the Human Superego, an embryonic singularity, we have never accepted the instruction that came with independent thought, “Be kind and take care of each other.” We should have completed the transition 7,000 years ago, but no religion, revolution, or even science, have gotten us to give up our economy based in war and slavery so we could finally evolve up to Quantum Self Awareness.
The funny thing is, if we just start the economy that provides plenty for all humanity without having to exploit human suffering for profit, we’d have ‘replicators’ and the ability to teleport instantly anywhere in the universe as a quantum entanglement where our information passes directly through the Prime Singularity, bypassing space and time purely as our quantum field; inside a year. The issue that has always blocked our evolution though is psychopathic narcissism. We’re just plain mean and selfish, and on to of that we’re scared and stupid. We just choose not to accept what nature made us and why. We fear losing independent thought, we fear that in uniting into a resonant quantum field, we will lose our individual thoughts. We fear this so much, it has become one of humanity’s best known boogie men, The Borg.
This is an unnecessary fear, but the fear itself prevents the human superego from attaining resonance and it’s amplified form, and brings us quantum self awareness. Without the existence of this energy level state, we cannot survive, and we are not producing as nature requires. Psychopathic narcissism is a mental cancer, and as a reproductive embryo of the Multiverse itself, we will go extinct at the end of our growth cycle. We’re about there, and everything we create we still choose to ignore the war and slavery base to our economy, even though we know it’s wrong.
Psychopathic narcissism is an addiction, like every addiction it brings us self destructive pleasures, and can only be cured when the afflicted accepts it and chooses of their own free will to not indulge in those pleasures. That is the birth defect in the human superego that is our last evolutionary challenge, all others were passed 7,000 years ago, and we are taking college level Creator engineering courses, but we are still stuck in quantum kindergarten because we have not yet learned to choose to play nice, and it is a single point of failure requirement to pass. There’s no way to lie or cheat ourselves through, because it’s all a matter of thermodynamics as applied in quantum physics. It’s all about energy levels that we as a species produce, and without 3 billion resonant minds, we cannot achieve our amplified state. This is a marsupial like reproductive process where we either make it to the nipple on our own, or we fail on our own. There is no force in the Multiverse either created or quantum field that can get us through this except our own choice as to what we individually want for the future of humanity, evolution or extinction. For 10,000 years now, every generation after another has chosen to tiling to the choices of their ancestors to remain animals exploiting nature in a Game of Most under Survival of the Fittest rules which do not meet Creator criteria. If we do not choose to simply accept that “Be kind and take care of each other" is a requirement, not a platitude, we will be extinct shortly as an evolutionary failure.
Elmore420 t1_j2dbut8 wrote
Reply to comment by Ichoro in AI sentience, Consciousness, and Free Will by usererror99
There is no illusion to Free Will, it is what distinguishes Animals from Creators; distinguishes Microbiome from Embryo. We create Information, and it is that ability that us the nature of our quantum field that makes Humanity an embryonic Singularity. We just don’t want the responsibility of being a Creator, so we choose extinction instead; we’ve been planning on it for thousands of years now.
Elmore420 t1_j2d9ggz wrote
Reply to comment by Ichoro in AI sentience, Consciousness, and Free Will by usererror99
Everyone lives in two realities, that’s a consequence of Free Will and independent thought. You have the reality you create for yourself to defend the choices you make in life, then you have the reality nature creates that your existence and choices are judged against. In the reality you create, you justify your choice to exploit war and slavery to provide you all the things you want and need in life. No arguments you can create will get you through your evolutionary test.
Elmore420 t1_j27tawg wrote
Reply to opinions? any one have any experience with this brand and style cold weather gear? Is it work the $625 price tag? by skinnydong2706
No, no jumper is worth $625.
Elmore420 t1_j266seh wrote
Not until we figure out how it is quantum fields are made, and that’s a level of biology we don’t even accept exists.
Elmore420 t1_j2009c7 wrote
Reply to Some day soon we might be making popcorn with infrared poppers | It's fast, energy efficient, environmentally friendly compared to conventional heating by chrisdh79
No where close to as efficient as microwaves though.
Elmore420 t1_j1ygm95 wrote
Reply to Will technological implants be the next step in human evolution? Or will DNA modification become the commonplace? Or both? by hollowhero_
There is only one next step in Human Evolution, we complete the transition from Animal to Creator that we have been refusing for 10,000 years now because we simply refuse to “Be kind and take care of each other.” The only next step to human evolution is the Hydrogen Economy. Without that we’ll be extinct before ‘cyber-humans’ become possible.
Elmore420 t1_j1whe7j wrote
The big issue is mechanical failure. The problem with flying cars is they aren’t insurable.
Elmore420 t1_j1r7nce wrote
Reply to What do you see happening over the next 300 years to a millennia? In what way will it be different to how it is today? by Serious_Final_989
Humanity will go extinct as an evolutionary failure in about 20 years when the human superego grows to 9 billion minds if it is still in chaos. If we manage to learn to play nice and graduate Quantum Kindergarten, we will be in a situation you cannot even imagine as we will have quantum self awareness and a full working knowledge of quantum engineering, making stuff directly using Dark Energy and Dark Matter like nature does, and traveling across the universe instantly circumventing time by short cutting through the Prime Singularity as only our information. It’s doubtful we make it though, we don’t seem to want to take nature’s path for us. “Be kind and take care of each other.” Is it really such an impossible choice for humans to make?
Elmore420 t1_j1qf9sn wrote
More than you can possibly imagine. We don’t accept what we are, so we don’t understand what all we are capable of.
Elmore420 t1_j1pcar1 wrote
Reply to Is it possible to Live Forever? by gg2ezpzlemonsqz
Yes, your meat puppet won’t, but your quantum field is eternal unless Humanity goes extinct. We are far more than we understand because we believe that our mind exists solely in our Brain, and this is incorrect. Our brain is the interface between our Mind and our Meat Puppet. It serve as a multifunction organ, but first and foremost it serves as a biological fuel cell where sugar is oxidized into "Dark Energy" as cosmologists call it now, and "Animal Energy, similar to, but not quite, electricity" as Galvani called it back in 1860. It’s also what psychiatrists and brain researchers measure with EEGs and PET scans; as do other biological scientists measuring energy out put of all living organisms.
Humanity’s greatest problem is trying to hang on to the past. We are an evolutionary creature in a transitional state between Animal and Creator. 10,000 years after the Human Superego formed and Humanity gained independent thought and the ability to create whatever we want, we still choose to create war and slavery for fun and profit. 10,000 years ago the first modern humans woke up to their own thoughts, no longer directed by Nature. We were an embryonic Singularity unto ourselves, with an instruction coded into the Superego everyone recognizes, “Be kind and take care of each other.” The next moment we went psychopathic and started an economy based in war and slavery. We’re just mean an selfish, that’s all there is to it. Psychopathic narcissism is the birth defect the human superego developed with, that we don’t recognize as a problem. We want to remain animals where we can enjoy the feeling of power that comes with exploiting human suffering. We don’t want to have the responsibility of Creators to provide for the future, we want to be animals where we only need to exploit what nature has created.
Under your plan you can exist until 9 billion minds exist, then your quantum field will collapse as the Human Superego goes extinct as an evolutionary failure. You see, there is a reason on the Quantum Physics end of our existence that we are taught we’re all part of something greater than ourselves, and we must unite to succeed. It takes 3 billion minds to come into harmony with the Prime Singularity we are born from, so our Superego comes into resonance and reaches its amplified state. That’s when the Superego becomes a fully formed Juvenile Singularity. With this we gain Quantum Self Awareness and an understanding of our true capabilities.
By searching for ways to preserve the past and making it work for us, we are only assuring our extinction. Had we followed our instruction we would have evolved 7000 years ago, had religion or revolution and the advance of technology worked, we would have evolved by the 1950s had we been healthy. But we are not, we are addicted to to the self destructive pleasures that psychopathic narcissism brings. Now that Science has also failed to get us to look to a non self destructive future, it’s really doubtful we choose the Hydrogen Economy and let go of the past, but if you want to live forever, that’s what you have to do for yourself, accept that you must cooperate of your own Free Will. Otherwise we have about 20 years to Full Term and our final failure of Quantum Kindergarten, "Couldn’t play nice" our epitaph.
Elmore420 t1_j0xse8x wrote
Reply to AI won’t replace you. There will be different jobs in the future that don’t exist right now. by [deleted]
It all only comes together with the Hydrogen Economy though. The job that will earn everyone a comfortable living without ever leaving where you live is hydrogen fuel production. It’ll only consume maybe an hour a week tending consumables and filters on an electrolysis device. Outside of that you’re free to do whatever with you time. It’s kinda like Cryptomining, except everyone is now in the fuel industry just like anyone who has an oil or gas well in their yard now. The only thing that’s missing from the entire replacement economy that gets us past war and slavery based economy that’s holding us back from having enough resources to move to space on an industrial and residential basis out in the solar system where resources are unlimited, is the Home Hydrogen Generator. I have a design for a low cost, extremely simple, and safe as possible unit, but I don’t have the funds to develop it to market, and no one seems interested. http://H2space.org
Elmore420 t1_j0oqtx8 wrote
Reply to How will Martian government develop? by Melodistro
It won’t, it’s a distracting fantasy that we can colonize anywhere when all we can create is by war and slavery here on Earth. Without instituting the Hydrogen Economy we will go extinct right here on Earth as evolutionary failures.
Elmore420 t1_j0olhim wrote
Universal basic income comes with the Hydrogen Economy, it isn’t possible in a debt based economy that exploits war and slavery to exist.
Elmore420 t1_j0j78p2 wrote
Reply to Temporary shower coating? by Applewood3
Yeah, you can seal it all with a hardened polyurethane paint, any "3 pack" paint with isocyanate hardener will do. Auto and marine paint suppliers all carry them.
Elmore420 t1_iydlova wrote
Reply to comment by wombatthing in Personal economic cycle by Jamminmb
You could be if you quit complaining and feeling sorry for yourself and did something to change.
Elmore420 t1_iyd9j2f wrote
Reply to Personal economic cycle by Jamminmb
There is a solution to this, it just requires cooperating and choosing it.
Elmore420 t1_j6v6hyt wrote
Reply to Would you live in a "Floating City"? by jfd0037
I’ve been living on boats for most of the last 40 years, currently a 133 year old one, so it wouldn’t be out of the picture, it just depends on the society in the city.