EvangelineOfSky t1_jctlasx wrote
Reply to comment by Saito1337 in Man Accused of Threatening Florida Sheriff Who Condemned Antisemitic Propaganda by CumBobDirtyPants
You know how edgelord internet trolls just love to react with an ugly sojack when you say something they dont like?
Think we can create a caption of this dude to serve as the "mocking edgelord internet trolls" macro?
EvangelineOfSky t1_jcsoqvp wrote
Reply to Man Accused of Threatening Florida Sheriff Who Condemned Antisemitic Propaganda by CumBobDirtyPants
Is this the poster child of overweight social media edgelord that the videos of the arrest was going around?
EvangelineOfSky t1_jclnvn9 wrote
Reply to comment by munchi333 in Ukraine war - latest: Judges issue arrest warrant for Putin over alleged war crimes; second country to send fighter jets to Ukraine | World News by [deleted]
I mean, the closest we ever got to WWIII was the Seuz Crisis, because of France and UK using their VETOs..
it was actually deescalated and world war III prevented because Canada took the issue to the General Assembly and ended up having them create the UNEF under command of E. L. M. Burns..
I just think its worth noting, the General Assembly did more to prevent WWIII than the security council ever did
EvangelineOfSky t1_jcl2u8q wrote
Reply to comment by AudibleNod in Ukraine war - latest: Judges issue arrest warrant for Putin over alleged war crimes; second country to send fighter jets to Ukraine | World News by [deleted]
It makes sense.
The Kidnapping Children is something thats pretty much impossible to defend by even the most seasoned propegandists.. its also the easiest to objectively prove
It prevents the "ohh hes actually the victim yada yada" bullcrap
meanwhile, if he is arrested on that warrant, they can then begin slapping him with other related charges..
EvangelineOfSky OP t1_jaa1qk7 wrote
Reply to comment by heaviestmatter- in Canada bans TikTok on government devices by EvangelineOfSky
US and Canada banning it for federal government on the same day, and Australia has banned it for several federal departments
im thinking the five eyes probably has some intel.. guess we wait and see what the brits and kiwis do
EvangelineOfSky t1_j9zn96z wrote
Reply to comment by xiconic in Protest In Berlin Over Arming Ukraine Against Russia Draws Thousands by Neo2199
Last time that happened it didn't end well
EvangelineOfSky t1_j9voprb wrote
Reply to comment by Hilarias_Glucose_Cup in Kaiser Permanente Sued Over Hormone Therapy by derpwild
The UK has one of the worst health systems in Europe.. it's like looking at Venezuela on how to have a thriving economy
The two best healthcare systems in Europe are France and Germany, considered among the best in the world.. what are they doing?
EvangelineOfSky t1_j9takh3 wrote
Reply to comment by ujythrsgfdd in Protesters gather in Vancouver after secret video allegedly reveals actions of animal cruelty at B.C. slaughterhouse by Ophelia-Yup
While I do get the point you are trying to make, we do have laws on how the animals need to be treated up until that point, and to handle the process humanely so the animals don't have to suffer unnecessary levels of cruelty
How often those laws are enforced is another question entirely, as with a lot of regulations, but they exist in theory
EvangelineOfSky t1_j9j9qrq wrote
Reply to comment by Thegarbagegamer97 in Tim Hortons franchisee in P.E.I. evicts tenants to make way for temporary foreign workers | CBC News by 2028W3
It's the AirBNB loophole
Been really popular in Canada with our scumbag landlords.. say you are converting it to an AirBNB and grats you can evict without having to adhere to the eviction laws, then a month later convert it back
EvangelineOfSky t1_j0n68gm wrote
Reply to comment by SsiSsiSsiSsi in Deal reached for new non-Russian power source for Europe by LieutJimDangle
Ehhh, I'd probably argue the UKs spot still makes sense.. not only are they a nuclear power with a respectable military budget, but they are in a very unique position in the global stage due to how many fairly rich countries share their constitutional head of state
EvangelineOfSky t1_j0mwc9w wrote
Reply to comment by cboel in Deal reached for new non-Russian power source for Europe by LieutJimDangle
Technically, Russia broke that in the mid 2004s following the orange revolution
It's actually one of the things that soured Russian NATO relations
EvangelineOfSky t1_j0mt6jd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Deal reached for new non-Russian power source for Europe by LieutJimDangle
You realize Australia has been a NATO partner and defacto member since the 50s right?
EvangelineOfSky t1_j0me3cw wrote
Reply to comment by SsiSsiSsiSsi in Deal reached for new non-Russian power source for Europe by LieutJimDangle
People have been questioning NATOs existence and reason for still being a thing, including several NATO countries ever since the USSR fell
But this war has..
Rejustified NATOs existence
Encouraged countries to divest from Russia and China
Caused NATO to grow
NATO and EU countries to focus more on interpersonal economic relations with allies and stop trying to use economic trade as their primary war deterrent
Caused NATO to look more into working with its pacific partners, Australia, Japan, New Zealand
Decimated the Russian Economy to a point it will take decades if not generations to recover
Allowed Ukraine to prove themselves on the world stage, which "not being up to NATO standards" was one of the reasons NATO said they originally rejected their application
Caused fucking Switzerland to pick a side, Switzerland!
This war is horrible, and it never should have happened.. but it's blown up in Putin's face in every conceivable way.. and while it's definitely having global economic impacts now.. when the dust finally settled and Ukraine is victorious and rebuilding begins, we are going to see a weakened Russia (and to a lesser extent China), and a stronger and united rest of the world
EvangelineOfSky t1_ixrt8dx wrote
Reply to comment by N8CCRG in Luring pedophiles through fake online ads is not entrapment, Supreme Court says by tearsaresweat
Well, Canada is in the middle of a public inquiry over the police not doing shit about a bunch of conspiracy theorists occupying our capital and blocking our borders for a month demanding they be made the new government..
EvangelineOfSky t1_ivj3zey wrote
Reply to comment by Dultsboi in China taking ‘aggressive’ steps to gut Canada’s democracy, warns Trudeau by hugglenugget
We also have the CSE, which runs parallel to CSIS.. CSIS looks a more into domestic security, CSE focuses more on foreign intelligence
While CSIS was founded as a result of the RCMP detachment responsible for their job before them going AWOL and commiting domestics terrorism after the FLQ crisis, CSE traces its roots to Canada's cryptography researchers in the second world war
EvangelineOfSky t1_itipgr3 wrote
Reply to comment by ataw10 in Russia's defense chief warns of 'dirty bomb' provocation by letschangethename
There was sattelite footage of them taking trucks of.. shrugs something... From Chernobyl
EvangelineOfSky t1_is39f6h wrote
Reply to comment by FactCheckingThings in Canada: Hearings to begin on use of Emergencies Act to end convoy by DavidMalony
>We have numerous protests here all the time. Blocking roads for days, honking horns into the night, and harassing locals isnt protesting.
its worth noting.. one of the last things the Harper government did (and lil PP now head of the CPC voted in favour of) was defining terrorism in the anti-terrorism act of 2015..
whats the criteria for terrorism..?
blocking infrastructure to try and influence politicians..
so, under the words of the politician they worship.. their actions were terrorism..
EvangelineOfSky t1_is393p8 wrote
Reply to comment by Cuchullion in Canada: Hearings to begin on use of Emergencies Act to end convoy by DavidMalony
>There's a woman issuing edicts as the "queen of Canada"
Theres actually two of them now and each are calling each other pretenders....
EvangelineOfSky t1_is391kp wrote
Reply to comment by anon902503 in Canada: Hearings to begin on use of Emergencies Act to end convoy by DavidMalony
they published a public list of demands prior to the ottawa occupation that included, *replacing the recently elected house of commons with our trucker council so they can ensure laws that "heal our nation"*..
its worth noting, the Canadian Right-wing has always been notorious on wanting Canada to become a US state.. the current itteration of the Canadian Conservative Party, began as the *western reform party*.. which was a party that wanted everything west on ontario to leave canada and become US states...
EvangelineOfSky t1_jd6zl6p wrote
Reply to comment by honeybooboobro in TikTok CEO: App has never shared US data with Chinese govt by ethereal3xp
Canada banned Huawei from our cellular networks, surprised other countries haven't