
EvenOrchid6345 t1_jegktmo wrote

Sharing food is not anywhere close to kissing. Imagine saying "I feel jealous of your little sister because you share sandwiches". Please reexamine your life and figure out where you got an idea like this, erase this and any other idea that came from that source. Professional help would not be out of line.


EvenOrchid6345 t1_iyf3dyp wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Question by [deleted]

Wow what a surprise. Jk, it makes a lot of sense why he thinks you would believe his bullshit. He thinks you're a dumb baby, undeserving of respect and consideration. Are you packing yet?


EvenOrchid6345 t1_iyf10xr wrote

He's clearly letting you know that he's not committed to this relationship. He likes you, thinks you're a good catch, a good investment in his future...just not quite good enough to make up for all that possible puss he's passing up. This is a guy who will cheat if he has the opportunity.


EvenOrchid6345 t1_iyezyre wrote

It's not healthy to love a romantic partner unconditionally. There should be conditions, for example, respect, honesty, fidelity, emotional intimacy; without these things a relationship is an exercise in thankless sacrifice. That's not love, it's punishment. Figure out why you're so eager to sign up for being treated like shit.


EvenOrchid6345 t1_iyewbtj wrote

Reply to Question by [deleted]

This relationship is bad. You don't trust him, he's yelling at you and threatening to leave...it's a mess. You'd be happier without this drama.


EvenOrchid6345 t1_iuhpid9 wrote

The first step is the most difficult to take. Figure out logistics: he won't leave your shared home, so you'll need to find somewhere to stay..do you have savings, are you employed, can you find another place to live? Gather up important documents you have around the house, your passport, social security card, car title, anything official with your name on it. You don't want to be looking for that stuff when you're trying to move quickly, and he'll be super unpleasant once you tell him you're leaving. When you're ready to tell him, tell him. It's not a debate or discussion, you don't want an argument, no need for name calling or a big production. "I'm leaving you. I'll be moving out this date."