
Excellent_Affect4658 t1_j6l37ay wrote

If you want to stop halfway-ish, you’re looking at the upper valley. Besides the Hanover options mentioned by sibling, Three Tomatoes pizza in Lebanon and Tuckerbox (Turkish place) in WRJ are good toddler-friendly places that don’t take you as far off of I-89.

Montpelier has some decent options too, but by the time you’re there you might as well just drive through to Burlington.

Edit: oh, or New Thailand in Leb, just off exit 18. Good food, super convenient from the highway.


Excellent_Affect4658 t1_j6bqecb wrote

These will all be fine (and mostly have water available en route, either from huts or surface water). We hike them with our dog. Only caution I would offer is to ask if the dog is used to that mileage? Ours will sometimes get her paws rubbed raw if we go much over 10 miles / day, and fireman carrying her out sucks.

Get a copy of the AMC white mountains guidebook, which has detailed info on all of these hikes (and good cautions for hikes with a lot of exposure that it sounds like you want to avoid).