
Fallacy_Spotted t1_ja61kc9 wrote

The present is the best time to be alive by many orders of magnitude and it is likely to get better. The big picture stuff has little effect on peoples day to day lives. The advancement of technology is what is really impactful at improving our quality of living amd that is only excellerating. As for climate change, renewable just recently surpassed fossil fuels for effeciency. Now that this line has been crossed the snowball effects of capitalism will take over and extremely rapid progress will be made in the next 20 years. We still need increased efforts by the government to buy back energy for carbon capture though. This will be the hard part because the benefits are long term and largely invisible.


Fallacy_Spotted t1_j9vx1i7 wrote

More than 40% of domestic tasks are already done by robots. Dish washer, clothes washer and dryer, water heater, oven, vibrator, microwave, refrigerator, and other small appliances. Utilities like water, sewer, and electricity mean no fetching water, disposing of waste, or burning wood for everything too. Modern life is great.


Fallacy_Spotted t1_j9hduwc wrote

Emotions evolved as instinctual weights on decision making. In some cases like fear they override the slow thought process to drive action. In others they motivate you to accumulate more resources in order to be more attractive to partners, like jealousy. Most AI are driven by performance numbers and these are pseudo emotional. If these points are and the algorithms that drive them are designed well I could see them approximating an emotional response. The real question is this can make you money. I think it can because simulating human behavior is profitable and humans have emotions.


Fallacy_Spotted t1_j52tr9c wrote

The vast majority of lifelong vision problems are due to inadequate bright light in the first year after birth. The eyes growth is inhibited by bright focused light. Which is what makes them grow until focused. If the light isn't provided them the eyes grow too large and cause nearsightedness.


Fallacy_Spotted t1_j3k0pus wrote

Reply to comment by Ardashasaur in Milkdromeda. by Acuate187

The Fermi Paradox originally assumed abundantly clear evidence like intentional attempts at contact from all intelligent life. It also only addressed intelligent life.


Fallacy_Spotted t1_j3jxc5v wrote

Reply to comment by ThatDaveyGuy in Milkdromeda. by Acuate187

The Fermi Paradox is a paradox because he expected more life than what we have detected so far. There is 100% life somewhere else but not necessarily within the Milky Way. We just do not have enough information to accurately determine the odds of life.


Fallacy_Spotted t1_j27nfra wrote

It is a simplified explaination. Mass is energy and the escaping particle has the same mass as the particle that fell in plus the energy used to escape. The only place this energy can come from is the blackhole itself. It is not strictly correct in all aspects but it is close. If you want something deeper I recommend this video from PBS spacetime. They even briefly mention that paper near the end. The whole channel is golden.


Fallacy_Spotted t1_j27ddpa wrote

A couple of points. The faster you go in any direction the faster you reach the singularity. If you were able to accelerate faster than light then you would just reach the singularity that much faster. Secondly, Hawking Raditation is not caused by quantum tunneling. It is generated when a particle pair spontaneously emerges from the background quantum fields. In this case one of the two resulting particles falls into the blackhole while the other is flung away as Hawking Radiation. This particle leaches some of the energy from the black hole.


Fallacy_Spotted t1_j279xod wrote

At the atomic level things are held together with the electromagnetic force. This force is mediated with photons. The gravity at the event horizon is so strong that photons cannot move away from the singularity. This means that it is not possible to pull anything out because those bonds cannot exist without photons bouncing between them.


Fallacy_Spotted t1_iwsf7zm wrote

Information is encoded in the entropy of the system. All 0s and all 1s is the same and gives no usable information. Time is also encoded in entropy. It is our perception of movement along an energy gradient. Information is a point on the line of time and the substance of that line is entropy.


Fallacy_Spotted t1_ivapfkj wrote

In many cases some people would say that theft is morally correct. Like stealing food during a famine from the exploitative nobles exporting said food for profit like during the Irish famine.