
Fapple_ t1_j7wn3ff wrote

You know your neighbor left automotive liquids outside and yet you left your cat outside unattended for 3 days. Those are pretty important details.

Do yourself a favor and stop trying to post this all over the internet. You were neglectful towards your pet and it ended up dying, then you took it out on your neighbor and drive him to madness (literally). Everyone on Reddit now knows you’re evil now, so stop trying to get attention and sympathy and go do something productive with your time.


Fapple_ t1_j65py92 wrote

Well that could very well be the case, but as the one experiencing the problem you may be the most qualified one to find the answer as you’re the most familiar with it.

I would at least make it a habit that when you bring up a problem that’s going on, you communicate that you’ve thought up a couple solutions but they may not work. At least then your boss will validate your “not so great” solution and if any more problems stem from it, you were just following orders.

It’s a little cliché but I’ve always like the quote “The challenges you face today prepare you for the challenges you’ll face tomorrow.”

Every problem isn’t going to have the same solution, but sometimes solutions you’ve learned from other problems can help you out.

It sounds like you’re at a sink or swim moment in your career. Don’t let new boss watch you drown, get in there and show him you can do it.


Fapple_ t1_j659zsy wrote

Take this as a lesson learned. I don’t know how long you’ve been in the workforce and how many bosses you’ve had in the past, but it sounds like your previous boss was a really good one and you completely threw her under the bus.

You said your boss helped you out a lot when you were having tough times, but then when she was going through tough times instead of being supportive, you complained about it to her boss, which at the very least would have gotten her in some kind of trouble.

I’m not going to beat you up or anything because it looks like you get it. Now what you need to do is use what your boss taught you and take ownership of your position. You don’t have her to hold your hand anymore so now you need to step it up and put what she taught you to use.

Also as a side note I agree with the new boss. Telling your boss a problem without offering any solutions is not “addressing a problem” it’s just complaining. I gain nothing if people come to me to complain about stuff, if you have the problem then you have some burden of responsibility to suggest a solution.

I have people come to me with issues that not only are they perfectly able to think up a solution for, but they even have the authority to act on it and fix the problem. If I just took everyone’s problems onto my plate I’d spend my whole day doing everyone else’s job and not get MY stuff done. Be self sufficient and take initiative!

Good luck OP I wish you the best!