
Farzy78 t1_j9wuyi6 wrote

Wait people still believe this will reduce traffic on 476 and 76? In what 10-12 years of this actually gets built? Septa would be better spending money on security making trains safe again, last time I took the NHSL a few weeks ago a dude was smoking crack on the train and the female conductor had passengers remove him


Farzy78 t1_j9alggp wrote

The cell phone lot was a great idea but poor execution, it's too small and could use better signage. It actually gets really full at times then you have assholes parking all over the place to the point it's difficult backing out of your spot. I'll use it in the middle of the day but not during peak hours. People parking on the shoulder never bothered me it's plenty big enough and the police have more important things to worry about.