FatalOrgasm93 t1_j22ov54 wrote
No fuck up mate
You gave her an out of what's probably a shitty situation and now it cannot be ignored by authorities
You're a great dude, even more so for how bad you felt and how much MORE effort it appears you put in than the parents to help this girl
Keep being awesome
FatalOrgasm93 t1_je8y0hm wrote
Reply to TIFU by pushing my Magic: The Gathering Deck too hard at Friday Night Magic. by splbm
Sounds like you beat the old guard and they cried about it
It's actually why I quit magic
I was terrible but I beat a few of them with a couple lucky combos and they were so mad they complained until the owner as a long term friend of most of us Laughed them out of the store but it was so jarring because my deck was maybe $200 of mostly booster luck and a few choice cheap cards I needed And 40 y/os where crying because I got lucky and beat the deck they'd spent far too much money on
Hopefully they grow and you can continue to play the game as actually intended