
Ferry83 t1_ja7dvze wrote

Just get the normal OLED switch and put a screen protector on it.

Set up an account for yourself and a separate for your kid.


The OLED switch can be used on the TV and as a handheld.
Regarding controllers, I'd go for 3rd party (depending on your budget) and not get the pro controllers from Nintendo.. they have a pretty fast rate of having stick drift, especially with dirty kids hands.


Ferry83 t1_ja7dq9w wrote

We have come to a point where the options we have are limited by the hardware we're having. If only 3% can run a certain game in highest graphical settings why would you spend an insane amount of resources to get to that point. It's not feasible yet.


However we're on a point in time where big changes will come soon.. If you're seeing what apple does with the M2 chips and their Pro versions there is a LOT of neural technology that can be used in the future to account for calculations towards AI behavior or weather impact etc.

Right now.. we're not at that point.


Ferry83 t1_j6m928k wrote

The only revision that we're most likely getting is a console with removable/attachable external disc drive.

If we're talking a PS5 slim.. it could be that they just keep all as is, but change the form factor to a more basic design with a different take on the cooling.


PS5 pro.. won't happen anytime soon, the console is too expensive too make, so an upgraded console would be too expensive.


So essentially the question is: is it a good time to buy the PS5 now?
Yes.. the new models won't be significantly different and they for sure won't be a lot more powerful to a noticable degree.

The PS5 pro won't be here for 2 years and the so called revision with an optional drive.. well you can just get a PS5 disc right now.


Ferry83 t1_j6hxqol wrote

Heat is a thing, however Apple tested those things very well to not have the same issue as with Airpower.

I use magsafe every now and then. but I generally prefer wired, half an hour is enough for me to get by.


Ferry83 t1_iyciq6p wrote

I would work with Ethernet if possible, otherwise a powerline might do the trick.

My setup at home is -> Router/Modem -> 3 Deco Mesh in Access Point mode, 2 wired, 1 wired through powerline. Not ideal.. but for now it works.


Ferry83 t1_iy7p1vw wrote

5w is fine.. but keeps your battery charging for a longer period. And in a lot of cases is a lot less efficient.

Charging your battery to 80% whenever you need it is a better idea.


Ferry83 t1_iy2ywef wrote

It's a good game.. I didn't finish it.. for whatever reason the game/story isn't engaging enough to me.

Not sure what it is.. a lot of other open world games have the same setup of open world gameplay with side quests and those pull me in.


Ferry83 t1_ixm46l7 wrote

It's a quality game..

But so is fortnite.. and you either hate it or love it.

Minecraft, same story.

Spider-man... amazing game (pun intended) but if you're no superhero fan.. you're not playing it just because its a good game.


I'd say the biggest issue with ER is the speed of the game and the punishing combat. And repetitive gameplay.. but to some people that's just exactly what they are looking for.

I'm a tad older... I pick most of my games with care.. to make sure that I get the most out of my time and I prefer games that I can finish in a decent time.

And it seems I have enough games / upcoming games to last until spring.


Ferry83 t1_ixm0l1d wrote

Cool, obviously there is always a turning point in a game series where it pulls in new players.

I personally couldn't get through any of the GoW games.. but the 2018 and 2022 games are amongst the best games i've played.

Elden ring is already an exception as it pulled in a LOT more players, assumingly and without any proof.. I expect most people to sort of get a Souls "lite" game..

I think Demon Souls on the PS5 also pulled in a lot of people into the genre..

But seeing the numbers on people that won't even get halfway through ER.. we can say it sold really well... but also a lot of people regretted the purchase..

If I look at 2nd hand availability here in the Netherlands.. it's amazingly high and prices are very low. a very generic search on a 2nd hand site notices that the Elden Ring is being offered around 20% times more than Ratchet and Clank.

And both games offered for around 30-35 euro..


Ferry83 t1_ixlrwis wrote

Elden ring is the best of the bunch.

Personally I had more fun with Hitman 3.

I feel Elden Ring is a bit overrated and still only applies to lovers of the souls genre. I was hoping it would be more of a "witcher" type game.. but it's 100% souls game, but open world.

Which is the same as buying Call of Duty hoping it's like Far Cry.. (as an example)


To be clear I see the quality in Elden Ring, I do think it's WAY overrated.. but getting honest opinions about it is difficult as most people who like it and are good enough to finish the game are elitist.. factually less than 30% of buyers finished the game.. or even got midway..

It's a very high quality game... but it's niche.. and not for everyone (and for sure not for me). Dodge and roll simulator 2022.