
Flapperghast t1_jdqyq2g wrote

That's a very "look what you made me do" mentality. Also, I have no idea what you're trying to describe here.

I'm describing a situation in which the vehicle to the left is not in front of the merging vehicle, but behind around the blind spot. As the vehicle to the right begins to change lanes, the courteous thing for the driver on the left to do is absolutely not speed up, it is to maintain speed and allow the driver to merge.


Flapperghast t1_jdqsn8s wrote

That's a classic Los Angeles move. "You want to change lanes and there's plenty of room ahead of me, the driver in the next lane? Not anymore, lol!"

Changing lanes on the freeway? Blocked.

Need to get into the turn lane? Blocked.

Your lane is ending and the smart thing to do is zipper merge? You bet your sweet ass that's blocked and they'll match your speed until you're in the shoulder. Suck it, other drivers.

I used to think LA drivers were absolutely the worst I'd ever dealt with. Now I see Baltimore is catching up.