
fnkdrspok t1_jdqz68s wrote

I’m talking about people merging in front instead of merging behind. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.

People speed up to stop people from cutting them off, there, that’s it, nothing more to say other than that. If someone is speeding up, stay in your lane and just merge behind them.

After rereading your scenario, why would you merge in front of a car while they are in your blind spot?


fnkdrspok t1_jdqxgi6 wrote

Again, whenever people fight over a lane, it’s because some vehicle sped up trying to merge in front instead of just merging behind. So in turn, second vehicle speeds up so that doesn’t happen.

See the chain reaction here? If you didn’t speed up trying to pass, the car you were trying to pass wouldn’t of sped up to close the gap.