
FuriouslyFurious007 t1_jawx6ox wrote

Thanks for all the info. I'm hoping they have quick install times now compared to when you did yours. We can't go another summer without AC and spending a fortune on oil is crazy. Hoping the solar setup with the heat pumps kills some of those bills.

Did you get electric heat strips with your blowers? Or are you just strictly using oil as a backup?


FuriouslyFurious007 t1_jawp1ui wrote

I think the largest Mitsubishi makes us 4 tons and that's not big enough for my house, unfortunately. I guess I could probably expect to pay 40k, then.

I'm glad to hear that your system works without oil. I'm keeping my oil boiler baseboard system as a backup, but definitely glad I won't have to use it.


FuriouslyFurious007 t1_jawlo8s wrote

Awesome. Thanks. I didn't try to get a carjon quote yet. I will give them a call. I need to condensers and 2 air handlers. One of the condensers will be a multi zone so it can handle the mini split wall unit in the basement. The condenser for the attic will be single zone. 30k is lower than the prices I've gotten from other companies, so crossing my fingers.

Both floors of my house are already ducted, so hopefully can save some money there.


FuriouslyFurious007 t1_iwjyg13 wrote

Reply to We're #1 by htzer

So now we're number 1 with the shittiest roads and deleting Twitter. Things to be very proud of...


FuriouslyFurious007 t1_ivevl0a wrote

Most people are having a tough time coming up with the money for their electric and food bills, yet they'll vote for millions upon millions in bonds...it blows my mind. Get the spending under control! Cut costs instead of just throwing money at a problem.