
FutureIsMine t1_ixptu4q wrote

take advantage of the happy hours, thats the real place to meet people and find out all the cool things getting worked on. Always be going to a session, even if something doesn't seem interesting you never really know if that session will give you a creative spark to try something new. Lastly, there will be booths in and around NeurIps for all sorts of exhibitors, go ahead and stroll through it, you never know what you may find


FutureIsMine t1_iw1ghp8 wrote

The worlds changed over night,the big players are all on the layoff train and gotta cut jobs to jump that stock while a startup is riskier, it’s what’s the future. Sure you could try and go to a bigger company, but how are you planning to get in when they’ve cut like 10 - 15% of the workforce?


FutureIsMine t1_ivzdnpv wrote

The big opportunities right now are in the Hypergrowing Startups that have raised tons of money, there's a next gen wave a foot and this is the time to get in on the next big company. The FAANG companies are all going the way of IBM this cycle and won't be the hyper innovators of 10 years ago, so find something cool, new, hip, and fresh and go for it