Gerald_Bostock_jt t1_j184aq1 wrote
Reply to comment by BeastOGevaudan in TIFU by stealing from my employer by aniclip
There are still caveats to the at will practice.
Anyway, this goes to show that your employer will screw you over the first chance they get; so screwing over your employer isn't immoral.
Gerald_Bostock_jt t1_j15g6zf wrote
Reply to comment by Turbogato in TIFU by stealing from my employer by aniclip
It was illegal for them to fire you for that reason, if you were innocent
Gerald_Bostock_jt t1_ix02022 wrote
Reply to TIFU by eating out by zeldamuffin
This is NOT YOUR PROBLEM, it's 100% your piece of shit aunt's problem. Okay, maybe you shouldn't have had sex in a house full of people... Maybe you could have waited for the guests to leave or go to your own home. But anyway, you having sex with another woman, or any other person for that matter is your right and anyone who has a problem with that can get fucked.
Gerald_Bostock_jt t1_ivezd2i wrote
Reply to comment by Historical_Ad_927 in TIFU by realizing I’m a lesbian too late by Standard_Paper_525
Don't overthink it
Gerald_Bostock_jt t1_iuawt1y wrote
Reply to comment by QuitcherBitchin54 in What do you call JK Rowling in space? by Zur__En__Arrh
It's a term that is used to refer to human garbage
Gerald_Bostock_jt t1_j6ltrdn wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIFU By accidentally leaving me and my sisters cash out in the open by [deleted]
Do it anyway. Teach them a lesson about stealing.