
GhostCheese t1_j1v68ea wrote

I understand your frustration with the prevalence of "informative" posts that are simply regurgitating information from a language model like GPT-3. It can be frustrating when people pass off the output of a language model as their own original thoughts or insights. However, it's important to remember that the Turing Test is simply a measure of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior that is indistinguishable from a human. It's not a measure of the machine's intelligence or ability to actually understand or comprehend the topic at hand.

In terms of addressing the issue of posts that are simply regurgitating information from a language model, one approach could be to encourage more critical thinking and original analysis in online discussions. This could involve asking users to provide their own thoughts and insights on a topic, rather than simply repeating information from a language model or other sources. It could also involve moderating content to remove posts that are clearly copied from a language model or other sources without any original analysis or critical thinking.


GhostCheese t1_izcjaym wrote

In a capitalist society, either the capitalists don't let it happen, creating artificial scarcity or:

abundance based non profits will form and out compete for profit enterprises, because they can sell without a profit motive.

this will drive the prices of abundant goods way down, and drive for-profit endeavors in the sector out of business, but before that happens they will try to make it illegal to do so.

there will be political strife. maybe violence. for abundance to flourish capitalism must suffer. it is zero sum in this sense.

by its nature abundant goods are not profitable.


GhostCheese t1_itezw7c wrote

Feels a little monkeys paw... there's lots of way to reverse climate change but a lot of them will also be disastrous to life on earth.

I mean eventually when it gets unlivable, we'll cause a nuclear winter to cool it all back down. Maybe they'll build underground arcs to ride it out, and reseed the world when the winter ends...

But mark my words. No agi required.