
t1_j1x715u wrote

We experimented with chat GP to rewrite our existing website and blog copy just to see. It gave very top level 101 level content that was bland and generic…overly technical. Basically terrible marketing Copy. It was a middle school book report where we needed brand positioning, voice, opinion etc. the AI can’t form opinions. It can tell you what our product does at s high level, but it can’t tell you why you need it, what pain points it solves and why it’s better than competitors. It can’t make the emotional argument or connect with a customer.

That’s very difficult to do.


t1_j1x6d6t wrote

Alot will be prefab. Yeah it’s difficult on-site but even if you can replace 1 or 2 out of 5 on-site jobs with a rentable machine companies will do it. It’s coming for all industries.

Example: They are currently building an extension to my kid’s school and I see the workers everyday. The other day I saw a guy operating a bobcat digging a trench, then in the afternoon, 3 guys laying cable in that trench. That could all be one guy supervising 2 machines.

Also it’s a prefab permanent building. A giant Lego basically. They put the walls and roof up in like a day.


t1_j1x2w19 wrote

Automaton/robotics will streamline and consolidate manual labor based Jobs. Corporations will jump at the the chance to get rid of the need to deal with labor unions and high wages, and Remaining humans will need more computer tech skills to manage, service and operate the machine workers.

Unionized manual labor and all that comes with it (pensions alone) is a prime target for investing massive cash to cut costs with technology.


t1_j1x20wy wrote

Trades will be automated Down to where the Human is just a low paid machine operator. The higher paid trade jobs will be technicians to manage and service groups of machines and that will take a lot of education. Even in plumbing or hvac that still needs humans for some parts, Wages will be driven down as there is less work available and more workers available. It’s foolish to think those giant construction machines and manual labor will be safe from automation when that is what they are good at. Companies will LOVE the opportunity to no longer need to deal with trade unions and automate.

Even auto mechanic will become more computer based as we see more EVs and less gas engines on the road.


t1_j1svmoe wrote

Ed I dunno. Emulating doesn’t take thought or sentience. Creating and expressing a point of view does. Dogs, dolphins, Monkeys can’t really do this. Only humans can. So even then sentience isn’t enough.

If you believe that art is synonymous with style then that’s a fundamental conceptual issue that needs to be reunderstood. Van Gogh paintings aren’t about brush strokes and flowers. There’s way more to them.


t1_j1p8bfa wrote

Kind of. Artists create as a means of personal expression. Van Goghs paintings weren’t really about sunflowers and farmland and looking in a mirror. There was more stuff…stuff that an AI has no ability to think about on its own because it doesn’t have feeling, joy, empathy, humanity, trauma, desire, pain etc

If the AI thinks at all about what it’s making (i don’t Believe it can) then all it sees are brushstrokes and rendered subject. In art we call that the formal. But there is also the conceptual…which is as important


t1_j1o9g93 wrote

Viewers are able to recognize artistic greatness. We have a zeitgeist that speaks to the human condition and great stiff resonates. Its why some movies are generational classics and others are forgotten. It’s why one painting is in a museum and another similar one is decoration in a hotel.

We are a very very long way from “Ai can create a full comprehensible movie from scratch” let alone “Ai can create an academy award winning film” or “Ai made a fi that’s on AFIs top 10 all time list”


t1_j1ns0np wrote

No, its not censored. That can only be done by a government entity.

Yes Google has terms of service and off limits search terms because it’s a private company and can do whatever it wants.

Build your own AI from scratch if that isn’t acceptable


t1_j1mnimw wrote

Current AI can’t create from scratch or improvise. it can only mimic and remix..with guidance and direction. There’s a huge chasm to cross here. Getting into understanding of the human condition, emotion, feeling, inspiration, point of view Etc. Does a parrot understand the words it repeats?

On Star Trek the next generation the sentient android, data was the most advanced 23rd century AI ever, but couldn’t comprehend humor despite understanding it on an academic level. It was a running plot line. I suspect a similar struggle.