Halvus_I t1_jeg8dwd wrote
Reply to comment by Reinhardt56k in ELI5: If the chemical dopamine stimulates a 'feel good' sensation, is there a chemical that makes us angry? by Kree_Horse
A good old fashioned hate-fuck.
Halvus_I t1_jebvfhp wrote
Reply to comment by Venonomicon in I would spend so much money on a new Star Wars podracing game. by TheTyGoss
Lets be clear. You play it on Xbox One or above.
Halvus_I t1_jeb0lru wrote
Reply to comment by No_more_hiding in TIL a special law in the UK was created to ensure that the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital will forever be able to collect royalties from stage performances, audiobooks, book releases, etc. of Peter Pan in the UK. This is the only work with an 'exception' to copyright laws. by [deleted]
All i will say is you are dead wrong about my politics.
The author's wish does not override their duty to the public domain. Copyright is a social bargain, its not fair to break it, no matter how noble the cause. They had their copyright, its over.
Halvus_I t1_jeaylfm wrote
Reply to comment by No_more_hiding in TIL a special law in the UK was created to ensure that the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital will forever be able to collect royalties from stage performances, audiobooks, book releases, etc. of Peter Pan in the UK. This is the only work with an 'exception' to copyright laws. by [deleted]
This is an emotional argument, not a logical one. If the State is so concerned with funding the hospital, they should do it with tax money, not steal from the Public Domain.
Halvus_I t1_jeauc9h wrote
Reply to comment by No_more_hiding in TIL a special law in the UK was created to ensure that the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital will forever be able to collect royalties from stage performances, audiobooks, book releases, etc. of Peter Pan in the UK. This is the only work with an 'exception' to copyright laws. by [deleted]
And if my profession was charities, i might agree, but its not. I deal with the long-reaching ramifications of IP on a day to day basis. The government shouldn't be carving out the public domain, regardless of how well-intentioned..All copyright should pass, without exception.
Halvus_I t1_jeamb1n wrote
Reply to comment by Hisei_nc17 in eli5 why ancient historical buildings haven’t been kept up? Why are buildings like the Parthenon and the Colosseum in such disrepair? Greece and Rome/Italy have existed the entire time? by PickledSpace56
Popped out fully armed and armored.
Halvus_I t1_jeagzzd wrote
Reply to comment by panzerfan in TIL a special law in the UK was created to ensure that the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital will forever be able to collect royalties from stage performances, audiobooks, book releases, etc. of Peter Pan in the UK. This is the only work with an 'exception' to copyright laws. by [deleted]
you are deflecting.
Halvus_I t1_jeagx8r wrote
Reply to comment by luis-can-jump in TIL a special law in the UK was created to ensure that the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital will forever be able to collect royalties from stage performances, audiobooks, book releases, etc. of Peter Pan in the UK. This is the only work with an 'exception' to copyright laws. by [deleted]
Thats worse.
Halvus_I t1_jeagpvk wrote
Reply to comment by ProbablyABore in TIL a special law in the UK was created to ensure that the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital will forever be able to collect royalties from stage performances, audiobooks, book releases, etc. of Peter Pan in the UK. This is the only work with an 'exception' to copyright laws. by [deleted]
Perpetual copyright is not legitimate.This is the State vastly overreaching. No one should owe royalties for it.
Halvus_I t1_je2h825 wrote
Reply to comment by Gorgon654 in Steam Is Getting A GameCube And Nintendo Wii Emulator by JamesAsher12
Nintendo absolutely considered emulators as piracy and they are dicks about it.
Halvus_I t1_ja918bl wrote
Reply to comment by TrashandBash in Returnal is an underrated game by KikiBrownLove
PS5 and PC
Halvus_I t1_j6pjhwf wrote
Reply to comment by ToxiClay in ELI5: what does ‘social media companies independently deplatforming individuals’ mean? by XinrongZou28
> here are some strong ramifications to Facebook and Twitter being basically the public square of the Internet
They are not a 'public square' in any way shape or form, that the internets job, alone. Anyone pushing this angle has an agenda.
Halvus_I t1_j6pc5p5 wrote
Reply to comment by mustichooseausernam3 in Daylight only becomes broad if a crime is committed in it. by YouAnswerToMe
“But who knows what she spoke to the darkness, alone, in the bitter watches of the night, when all her life seemed shrinking, and the walls of her bower closing in about her, a hutch to trammel some wild thing in?”
Halvus_I t1_j5ppewx wrote
Reply to comment by RandoCalrissian11 in TIL Prison Rodeo is a real thing - inmates play poker in the middle of a rodeo with a raging bull and have to sit and resist the urge to run from it in order to win money by gravitasgamer
Prisoners cannot consent.
Halvus_I t1_j4vruck wrote
Reply to comment by sapienBob in TIL "A Christmas Story" was initially overlooked and only became a classic after Ted Turner purchased the rights and began airing it yearly on cable TV. by habalushy
When Scut Farkus showed up, i couldnt believe it.
Halvus_I t1_j39qf82 wrote
Reply to comment by CrueltyJuggernaut in TIL of execution by Breaking Wheel that would start with tying the body to a wheel, breaking the bones of the limbs, braiding the broken limbs through the spokes and leaving the body to be eaten by scavenging animals and birds. by muadib1974
We are STILL brutal. Executions in the USA could absolutely be painless, but States that carry them out actually assert that their justice system is retributive and intend for the condemned to suffer.
If not for the national prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment, i assure you States in the US would resort to death torture.
Halvus_I t1_j253ma8 wrote
Reply to TIL that 11/19/1999 was the the last date before 1/1/3111 when all the digits in the date were odd. by ShredTheUndead
Umm except you are missing zeroes. 01/01/3111 is not all odds.
Halvus_I t1_j1w4955 wrote
Reply to comment by ARNB19 in ELI5: How is that Pantone colors don't have direct RGB counterparts? by ExternalUserError
Pantone is forcing it.
Halvus_I t1_j1eeefc wrote
Reply to comment by Cyber_Fetus in TIL that DMVs in the US are allowed to sell some of your personal information and do. This practice is legal under federal law. For example, Florida’s DMV made $77 million and California’s DMV made $52 million in 2017 through this practice alone. by TheKeyboardKid
Im a trader in kivas and trillium
Halvus_I t1_j0r3fz9 wrote
Reply to comment by NeverComments in Steam Deck now shipping across Asia, plus a new Steam Deck Stable Client update by thebelsnickle1991
I played Spider-Man and Uncharted 4 full through on Steam Deck docked to a 42" 4k. It was great.
Halvus_I t1_izf3zqk wrote
Reply to comment by Whimsington_Storke in [TIL] Early in his career, Colonel Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, had a habit of getting into fights. He once had a shootout with a competitor, Matt Stewart. After Stewart shot and killed one of Sanders' employees, Stewart was convicted of murder, eliminating Sanders' competition. by OvidPerl
He was a real colonel, just not the kind you think
Halvus_I t1_iyf1dop wrote
Reply to comment by you-are-not-yourself in Kill Bowser. by Ghimzzo
Im going to be frank with you, i have very dim view of current ip law, copyright in particular, so I am generally unsympathetic to those that leverage these systems. Its a whole lot of concern over very first world problems. We would be more artful if we abolished copyright altogether, given our current technological point in time.
Halvus_I t1_iyf02nf wrote
Reply to comment by you-are-not-yourself in Kill Bowser. by Ghimzzo
> Lack of attribution is plagiarism, an unethical act.
Depends wholly on context. Should parody have to attribute? No.
Further, your definition is wrong. Plagiarism is a form of fraud. Lack of attribution alone is not fraud. You have to affirmatively claim the work as your own.
Halvus_I t1_iyexvsb wrote
Reply to comment by you-are-not-yourself in Kill Bowser. by Ghimzzo
Attribution is noise.
Halvus_I t1_jegippy wrote
Reply to comment by CautiousCold8392 in ELI5-What is the fibonacci sequence? by amsdys
There is no overall systemic use of the sequence in nature. If things match up its a fluke.