
Halvus_I t1_jeb0lru wrote

All i will say is you are dead wrong about my politics.

The author's wish does not override their duty to the public domain. Copyright is a social bargain, its not fair to break it, no matter how noble the cause. They had their copyright, its over.


Halvus_I t1_jeaylfm wrote

This is an emotional argument, not a logical one. If the State is so concerned with funding the hospital, they should do it with tax money, not steal from the Public Domain.


Halvus_I t1_jeauc9h wrote

And if my profession was charities, i might agree, but its not. I deal with the long-reaching ramifications of IP on a day to day basis. The government shouldn't be carving out the public domain, regardless of how well-intentioned..All copyright should pass, without exception.


Halvus_I t1_j39qf82 wrote

We are STILL brutal. Executions in the USA could absolutely be painless, but States that carry them out actually assert that their justice system is retributive and intend for the condemned to suffer.

If not for the national prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment, i assure you States in the US would resort to death torture.


Halvus_I t1_iyf1dop wrote

Reply to comment by you-are-not-yourself in Kill Bowser. by Ghimzzo

Im going to be frank with you, i have very dim view of current ip law, copyright in particular, so I am generally unsympathetic to those that leverage these systems. Its a whole lot of concern over very first world problems. We would be more artful if we abolished copyright altogether, given our current technological point in time.


Halvus_I t1_iyf02nf wrote

Reply to comment by you-are-not-yourself in Kill Bowser. by Ghimzzo

> Lack of attribution is plagiarism, an unethical act.

Depends wholly on context. Should parody have to attribute? No.

Further, your definition is wrong. Plagiarism is a form of fraud. Lack of attribution alone is not fraud. You have to affirmatively claim the work as your own.