
Hereforthemadness1 t1_je8a67x wrote

Facts…I don’t want to hear? I commented saying I boil mine darker… and you’re coming at me telling me I’m wrong, yet you say you aren’t upset? Maple syrup is brown. Go to any syrup shed in the north east and all of Canada and they’ll say your sap Is light colored. Not wrong, just light colored, which is all I said, I’ve just clearly struck a nerve.

Jesus this is why I should stay off Reddit, everyone’s so sensitive, I even tried to support you and you got offended.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_je7xjvx wrote

No…the richness of syrup is based on the sugar content which determines the color, hence why dark syrup runs slower, as it’s thicker because it has more sugar. I expect yours is fairly fluid when poured, not quite liquid but not slow like molasses. I think you took this a little too personally… I wasn’t trying to insult or anything, I was pretty clear about that, to each their own preference. I’m sorry if I offended you, I was simply trying to share my own syrup insight, not in contrast to yours but as an adjacent difference.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_je7jr5c wrote

I’ve been boiling syrup for about 25 years, and learned from my father who boiled for his whole life… I can assure you, my syrup is not “overboiled”. Buy some “real” syrup and look at its color, that’s normal. I think it’s safer to say yours is significantly under boiled


Hereforthemadness1 t1_jdwwlcc wrote

Nope, fucking yuppies coming in and wanting to start new schools when NH is already has one of the top public school systems in the country. This mentality is the same that tries to shut down shooting ranges, cut down woods to build housing developments, and complains after their house is built that the other construction in town is “destroying the towns natural beauty”.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_jcfqy8c wrote

2 things: 1: In the time it took you to type this Karen rant out which literally says just, nothing, you could have googled “footloose” and gotten all the info you needed to understand this cultural reference. 2: The fact someone used a cultural reference you didn’t get offended you so much you had to type out a bitchy rant about how you didn’t get it? I’ll bet your family rues thanksgiving dinner with you.

Kid:” This gravy is the bomb!” U/gmcgath :”I don’t see how this gravy has any relation to explosives nor do I think it’s appropriate to reference such things during dinner. Please keep your compliments to a simple statement using common adjectives.”


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j9rhv7a wrote

Boy howdy you’re a transplant… 30” of snow over 10 days is absolutely nothing to worry about. Driveway, yeah, shovel it? Roof? If your roof doesn’t leak from heavy rain, it shouldn’t leak from snow sitting on it. The only risk from snow is crazy ice dams, or weight, and if your roof breaks from 30” of snow, you should have replaced your roof long ago

Also, if you weren’t a city boy, you’d know that you can’t trust a weather report as far as you can spit, especially in Feb. March is when you need to worry about snowstorms, and even then, you’ll be already bud, all the yetis and polar bears left when your housing development was built and destroyed their home.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j94bw2t wrote

Phew I was gonna say, the families like them, been here long as hell like the Pomeroy’s in MV, the Trows, the Lamson Descendants, in my opinion are the types of people we should be listening to. I don’t agree with all of their politics (who does agree 100% with anyone these days anyway), but they have as long as I’ve seen, always just wanted what’s best for the town and its folks.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j94bkyl wrote

I mean, that’s a pretty wide comparison. Yeah, it’s a much easier job compared to putting down your barber scissors and picking up a stinger missile to shoot down a Russian Jet. But that’s like telling someone who just had a broke limb to quit whining because people in Africa get their limbs cut off or Syrian children are getting gassed. Is it true? Sure.. is it a fair comparison? No even remotely.

The fact is that just caring about your town zoning will not prepare you for this role. As with any government entity, there’s much more to It then just going in and fixing things or changing things, hell a president can’t get fuck all done if they don’t control the house. You have to be willing to give up large amounts of your time, deal with knuckleheads, big developers with money and lawyers, all sorts of pains in the asses, for no pay, and often disappointing results. Most people who would be good candidates for these positions are also family people, working people, who between work and family can barely scrape together enough time to make dinner, let alone do the work required to prepare for each weekly meeting.

I’m not saying this to discourage possible valid candidates, for Amherst and towns across NE. I hope more people do take active roles in small government. I just want to really point out the silly comparison that you used. Like, I’m sure you get mad when you stub your toe or someone cuts you off in traffic, but have you ever considered that in Afghanistan women aren’t allowed to drive at all and will be killed if they’re eyebrows are seen?

Yeah, not super relatable is it?


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j949pnw wrote

Not sure, but it isn’t a glorious position so I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s a position that’s great for two things, preserving and ensuring the beauty and traditional values of our land, or perverting it to your own personal wills (in my opinion). I think I speak for many NH residents when I say I don’t oppose people moving to NH, as much as I oppose people moving to NH and trying to change it to their own desires. We aren’t a perfect state by any means, but we certainly don’t need big, new changes happening here to “fix” us. We ain’t broke, don’t try and fix us.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j93pj1h wrote

Tragic fact is that a position like the planning board is a rather thankless job. Someone in my family spend decades on it trying to preserve the town, yet allow for growth that is inevitable, and allow it in a productive manner instead of turning Amherst into another Nashua. Spent years working on a proposal to allow open space, not allowing housing developers to clearcut their 40 acre lots and slap houses in everywhere they could, but still allowing housing to be built and work with the land.

Then new people move to town, and shot it down, and now say that my family member and rest of the board is corrupt, taking bribes and should be sued. The family member in question is a very, very well respected person in town, anyone who’s lived here longer then these new flatlanders who think they know what’s best knows them and respects them. Also, she says that if she’s been corrupted, she doesn’t see the benefit from corruption, because we’re still poor as shit lol. Literally only live in this town because we were here before it was a town 😂


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j93l5nx wrote

He is an idiot… but there’s a legitimate Q anon nutjob running against him. I’m not gonna dox myself on here but we’ve been in this town since before it was a town, and my family on the planning board/zoning commission/conservation commission/ etc for decades, and the new guy running legitimately will destroy this town. He’s already trying to put forth a lawsuit against the previous planning board members claiming “corruption” and “trying to destroy the town” or some BS like that. As a family of people who hate the free state movement from day 1, the fact a free stater actually is the lesser of two evils should seriously concern everyone.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j8kgc55 wrote

I’d offer you a position for summer help at my sawmill but it’s a bit far for you. Look for local sawmills, loggers, hell go ask All Metals in Belmont if they’re hiring. Manual labor jobs need dedicated tough employees. Just make sure you’re really up for it, I can’t count how many young men have come asking for a job, we put them on and either they don’t make it long because it’s too tough, or winter rolls around and the elements cause them to seek indoor employment.