YouAreHardtoImagine t1_jda31g2 wrote
Anyone have some sap to boil down?
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_jajm91y wrote
Reply to Let’s get moving NH by bluesmom913
I’m honestly surprised it’s not higher.
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_jadxxya wrote
Reply to comment by A_Man_Who_Writes in Marriage Proposal ideas? by Fickle_Set6464
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_jadtaci wrote
Reply to comment by quaffee in Marriage Proposal ideas? by Fickle_Set6464
But put ice cleats on them. Safety first!
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_jadrdx6 wrote
Reply to comment by Fickle_Set6464 in Marriage Proposal ideas? by Fickle_Set6464
End of March will be spectacular.
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_jadqu8a wrote
How do you know the child is autistic? Have you spoke to the mother? Maybe one of the kids is hurting the other and she’s unaware.
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_jadcanh wrote
Reply to comment by nataylor7 in That 44-unit tiny home development, built by employer who can't keep staff by GraniteGeekNH
…And suck of government teat getting rich off old people in homes.
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_jacsogb wrote
Reply to comment by LongjumpingCheck2638 in That 44-unit tiny home development, built by employer who can't keep staff by GraniteGeekNH
I want to see updated spec drawings with trash outside, bikes/rec equipment, broken down cars, etc., in both summer and snow.
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_jac67gm wrote
Reply to That 44-unit tiny home development, built by employer who can't keep staff by GraniteGeekNH
Lots of balls talking about housing for seniors and vets but no handicap accessible housing. But then again, if they’re your employees, I guess they want to avoid them. /s
Expense is so heavily discussed, like things can’t be afforded as builders, I’d be weary to live there.
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j93tybr wrote
Reply to comment by Hereforthemadness1 in Free State Founder Is Running For Amherst Planning Board Amid Anti-Free Stater Sentiment by TurretLauncher
Having served on boards, yes, it’s thankless but it’s truly rewarding more than not. It’s unfortunate so many are hardcore advocates of voting but hardly show up where a lot of work really could be done.
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j7ulxk2 wrote
Reply to Will hiking in early-mid May be a problem? by Albinkiiii
The term hiking varies to each person. Also, where exactly are you looking at? Depending where it’s possible to still get an avalanche in areas and feet of snow/tons of runoff. Stay south of Concord and you’ll be fine.
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YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j7ppxd5 wrote
Reply to Potential job offer around Sunapee. Any decent towns you would recommend around the area? by papa_waltz
You didn’t mention kids. Not sure if there are any or in future but that (school districts) would be a factor and rule out some for me. I’ve also not been keen to living in towns heavy with summer visitors but ymmv. You can dig a little on that info…good luck!
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YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j7m7a6e wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Dover builds tiny home neighborhood by sheila9165milo
This has not been my experience in a community I lived in but perhaps it was the funding the specific builders used. Regardless, inclusive communities are certainly the NH way. It’s terrible optics for the builders to take the short sighted stance (at the very least their bad PR campaign).
There’s also a literal family member in this thread touting these for the “elderly” which, by design, makes them practically disastrous.
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YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j7m0p6w wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Dover builds tiny home neighborhood by sheila9165milo
It’s very “dangerous” and presumptuous of you to assume the disabled aren’t part of the workforce and building toward homeownership. Hopefully, towns become more savvy and approve their developments with a set minimum before the project can start.
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j7lzvxj wrote
Reply to comment by jlangemann-man in Dover builds tiny home neighborhood by sheila9165milo
Not my experience. The tiny size and close proximity would easily make me anxious. But I’m glad it can work for some people!
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j7ludh7 wrote
Reply to comment by ProlapsedMasshole in Dover builds tiny home neighborhood by sheila9165milo
Totally get the purpose…especially watching the video. But one of the single most (often forgotten) underserved communities is the disabled - both young and old. This includes our veterans. There is no mention of even creating one handicap accessible home of the 44 units in the video or article. That’s shameful, honestly.
Edit: Interesting the person defending the builders deleted their posts lol
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j7locc6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Dover builds tiny home neighborhood by sheila9165milo
If it may impact their school/local tax system (ie: local tax rate) or they’re an abutter, absolutely.
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YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j7ln7nm wrote
Reply to comment by Unusual-Dragonfly-88 in Dover builds tiny home neighborhood by sheila9165milo
How are these handicap accessible with lofts? (ie: most elderly cannot access those safely) Or even without to not exclude other seniors?
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YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j7lmixi wrote
Reply to Dover builds tiny home neighborhood by sheila9165milo
384 sq feet and smushed like sardines. Hope your neighbor is quiet or you’re even more stressed out.
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j7bu1re wrote
There should be an agenda posted that gives you a better idea what this is about (an addition/subdivision of property, etc). From here, you can prepare better so not have to speak on the fly.
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j5zsamb wrote
Reply to comment by NecessaryMistake9754 in Is it illegal in the state of new Hampshire to list manufactured home as single family home? by NecessaryMistake9754
Is it a full basement all the way or just under the addition? This one seems obvious to me. The skirting and single door on the side, the back roof line. Also 5 beds and 1 bath? Ooof.
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j5zmbtk wrote
Reply to Is it illegal in the state of new Hampshire to list manufactured home as single family home? by NecessaryMistake9754
The property has a chunk of land, basement, and existing utilities. Decent location. That house fits, technically, but I’d hard pass it.
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j5uu8vm wrote
Reply to comment by Realistic-Step2618 in Why does this state seem to lose power so frequently? It’s always related to downed power lines from trees? Or is this a grid issue? by JayBisky
My area (home) lost power for 6 days and the reason was strictly trees falling on lines, blocking roads, etc. About 2 years later, major clearing was done (including on a state road where they cut back exponentially). Larger poles, better wiring was replaced. We barely lost power again. Maybe for an hour during a bad thunderstorm. It can’t cost more than burying. Imagine blasting in the WM?
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YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j5us6rx wrote
Reply to sniff test by nullcompany
I like referencing this:
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_je1cb0u wrote
Reply to comment by jgren91 in Water Quality in Merrimack? by Illustrious-Study237
Same with parts of Londonderry. The wind has also blown this stuff into soil.