
YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j7m7a6e wrote

This has not been my experience in a community I lived in but perhaps it was the funding the specific builders used. Regardless, inclusive communities are certainly the NH way. It’s terrible optics for the builders to take the short sighted stance (at the very least their bad PR campaign).

There’s also a literal family member in this thread touting these for the “elderly” which, by design, makes them practically disastrous.

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YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j7ludh7 wrote

Totally get the purpose…especially watching the video. But one of the single most (often forgotten) underserved communities is the disabled - both young and old. This includes our veterans. There is no mention of even creating one handicap accessible home of the 44 units in the video or article. That’s shameful, honestly.

Edit: Interesting the person defending the builders deleted their posts lol


YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j5uu8vm wrote

My area (home) lost power for 6 days and the reason was strictly trees falling on lines, blocking roads, etc. About 2 years later, major clearing was done (including on a state road where they cut back exponentially). Larger poles, better wiring was replaced. We barely lost power again. Maybe for an hour during a bad thunderstorm. It can’t cost more than burying. Imagine blasting in the WM?

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