HomarusSimpson t1_jdz9x4l wrote
"The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim" Edsger Dijkstra
HomarusSimpson t1_jddcylw wrote
Reply to comment by MegaWaffle- in Comical looking women's clothes from 1500s Livonia by InquisitveAlot
Yeah, 16th century headphones weren't noise cancelling
HomarusSimpson t1_jam95zk wrote
Serious question. As 50% (guess) of work is essentially being paid for your time, you can't be more productive as a care assistant or a fireman, are the rest of us willing to pay 25% more for these things so they can have a 4 day week?
HomarusSimpson t1_j6n3vf5 wrote
Reply to comment by paulwhitedotnyc in “History does not repeat itself… but it does rhyme” by onlybeanerinreddit
How about Abrodolph Lincoler, best of both worlds?
HomarusSimpson t1_j6capoc wrote
Reply to comment by astrobeen in Why not use chat gpt to spot obvious fake news? by Irate_Librarian1503
Miles Davis was a door https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwOipTXvNNo
HomarusSimpson t1_j54cwz1 wrote
Reply to comment by Virtual-Public-4750 in TIL the floating substance inside of a lava lamp is primarily wax by shyyyyme
Very decent of you. Have an XKCD https://xkcd.com/1053/
HomarusSimpson t1_j316b9x wrote
Reply to TIL Radiohead guitarist Jonny Greenwood has composed the score to numerous films, including There Will Be Blood, The Master, Phantom Thread, and The Power of the Dog. by -ColonelKurtz-
Also for You were never really here. A fantastically dark film
HomarusSimpson t1_j2qwvyy wrote
Reply to comment by morreo in TIL that bots 🤖 drive ~40% of all internet traffic. by kkoolook
Select all the squares with traffic lights
HomarusSimpson t1_j2346wq wrote
Reply to comment by Philboyd_Studge in TIL The "Semolina Pilchard" mentioned in "I Am the Walrus" is a reference to Scotland Yard drug squad detective Norman "Nobby" Pilcher, who led a midnight drug raid on John Lennon's London flat in October 1968. He'd targeted musicians Mick Jagger, Brian Jones, Eric Clapton and Donovan prior to that. by 54_actual
Put penne to paper
HomarusSimpson t1_j1qfb26 wrote
Reply to comment by A_friend_called_Five in TIL Catnip effects big cats aswell (cougars, leopards, lions, etc.) but 1 in 3 cats are unaffected by catnip and it is a hereditary behavior. by jamescookenotthatone
Came here to say that. Also a Grammar Nazi
HomarusSimpson t1_j0v02js wrote
Reply to comment by captjust in TIL: George Carlin was arrested for 7 words. by PseudoPatriotsNotPog
HomarusSimpson t1_j0tqhrv wrote
Reply to comment by captjust in TIL: George Carlin was arrested for 7 words. by PseudoPatriotsNotPog
I would just like to know, if you know what a plethora is
HomarusSimpson t1_izrnx37 wrote
Reply to comment by ZorroMeansFox in TIL that the theme song from Mission Impossible get is it's iconic beat of "long long short short" from the Morse code of "M" and "I", which is long long short short. by pango3001
there was a TIL a couple of days ago, the player was Emil Richards, who also played the xylophone on the Simpsons theme and the original Addams Family finger snaps
A life well lived
HomarusSimpson t1_izrmy65 wrote
Reply to comment by weltschmerz-wanderer in TIL that the theme song from Mission Impossible get is it's iconic beat of "long long short short" from the Morse code of "M" and "I", which is long long short short. by pango3001
yeah that's distinctly 3 3 3 2
HomarusSimpson t1_izrmq4a wrote
Reply to comment by SintPannekoek in TIL that the theme song from Mission Impossible get is it's iconic beat of "long long short short" from the Morse code of "M" and "I", which is long long short short. by pango3001
Nah, it's 4/4 with 3/16 of negative time
HomarusSimpson t1_iych0xc wrote
HomarusSimpson t1_ix2wpxp wrote
Reply to comment by Buckshot_Mouthwash in Experts Grow New 3D-Printed Nose On Woman's Arm After She Lost Hers To Cancer by Several_Cabinet_9725
At least one
HomarusSimpson t1_ix2wnw2 wrote
Reply to comment by n3w4cc01_1nt in Experts Grow New 3D-Printed Nose On Woman's Arm After She Lost Hers To Cancer by Several_Cabinet_9725
> inject into his genitals
HomarusSimpson t1_iws7nmp wrote
Reply to comment by butts_kapinsky in To save the world or to shape a better world, what is the most critical action to take? by Born-Worth-5611
random selection, a lot of countries don't have much data.
The graph you linked doesn't exactly slope up for many countries, overall it's as many countries going down as up
HomarusSimpson t1_iwqrvws wrote
Reply to comment by Meliodas1981 in To save the world or to shape a better world, what is the most critical action to take? by Born-Worth-5611
A popular belief, but untrue:
Year World Gini coefficients
1988 0.80
1993 0.76
1998 0.74
2003 0.72
2008 0.70
2013 0.65
Lower is less unequal. Each period has gone down.
> ..... a continuous decline since 1988. This is attributed to globalization increasing incomes for billions of poor people, mostly in countries like China and India. Developing countries like Brazil have also improved basic services like health care, education, and sanitation; others like Chile and Mexico have enacted more progressive tax policies
HomarusSimpson t1_iu3jehb wrote
Reply to comment by lightscameracrafty in Beyond Catastrophe: A New Climate Reality Is Coming Into View by lightscameracrafty
>Hundreds died due to heat waves in Pheonix alone this summer - thousands in the UK, Spain and Portugal.
About 9 times as many people die from cold as from heat worldwide.
Always - what are the counter-factuals?
HomarusSimpson t1_iswvua9 wrote
Reply to comment by WangnanJahad in TIL after another band backed out, Malcolm McLaren suggested Siouxsie Sioux and the Banshees play the 100 Club Punk Special. At the time, the band consisted only of Siouxsie Sioux and Steven Severin, so they had to borrow two musicians, one of which was Sid Vicious (who played drums). by man_itsahot_one
Samuel Aggressive
HomarusSimpson t1_irzys1h wrote
Reply to comment by treemu in "New antibiotic hiding in diseased potatoes thwarts fungal infections in plants and humans" by tonymmorley
Available in Sarf Lunun
HomarusSimpson t1_irhwvqn wrote
Reply to comment by whiplassche in TIL about the foreign accent syndrome (FAS), which is a speech disorder that causes a sudden change to speech so that a native speaker is perceived to speak with a “foreign” accent. FAS is usually caused by damage to the brain from a traumatic injury or a stroke. by Imaginary_Emu3462
TIL the word fortition, and by looking it up, lenition
HomarusSimpson t1_je1i7uq wrote
Reply to comment by luniz420 in Opinion| Parmy Olson There's No Such Thing as Artificial Intelligence by SilentRunning
Do you think a submarine can swim?