HumpieDouglas t1_jebhztr wrote
Reply to comment by TheMadShatterP00P in Panera to adopt palm-reading payment systems, sparking privacy fears | Biometrics by ethereal3xp
Wow that's fucking savage. True, but savage.
HumpieDouglas t1_jeasq3w wrote
Reply to A guy in my city has been walking around with a seagull and is very proud of it. by SaintsNick94
Meth heads will steal anything
HumpieDouglas t1_je2dmts wrote
Reply to LPT: How to support someone grieving: the process is not linear and often takes longer than people think (even, and sometimes especially, when the relationship with the deceased was painful or estranged). A year may seem like a long time since a death, but to the grieving, it can feel very recent. by survivalothefittest
It's been almost 10 years since my wife died and I still have days where it seems like it just happened.
HumpieDouglas t1_je1gbmv wrote
Reply to Post book depression by bertiewoooster
It happened to me after I read The Looking Glass Wars series by Frank Beddor. I'm a huge Alice in Wonderland fan and I loved Beddor's retelling of it. After I was done reading the series I was a little sad it was over.
HumpieDouglas t1_jdf2w95 wrote
Reply to [Image] Work on yourself by Fearless_Girlfriend_
Like the Count of Monte Cristo
HumpieDouglas t1_jae85tp wrote
Dawn dish soap is amazing. I've gotten grease stains out that have been washed and dried multiple times.
HumpieDouglas t1_j9ppjou wrote
I wonder if that person recently changed to that hair style and the elephant is like "what happened to your hair human?"
HumpieDouglas t1_j8zkhcp wrote
Some colored gas and a big balloon and the gender reveals are gunna be lit AF!
HumpieDouglas t1_j8jo5qh wrote
Dad look what I can do... dad look... look... are you looking?... dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad...
HumpieDouglas t1_j6yixh4 wrote
Every corporate meeting I've ever been in. Never open your mouth because as soon as you do, from then on, you own the issue being talked about.
HumpieDouglas t1_j6lrp73 wrote
Let's get this out onto a tray...
HumpieDouglas t1_j6g6s3a wrote
Reply to comment by KalicoKhalia in Horse In A Horse by CrisperKoleslaw
They mostly come at night... mostly
HumpieDouglas t1_j6540lf wrote
Reply to BuzzFeed says it will use AI to help create content, stock jumps 150% | CNN Business by KennyFulgencio
They'll need to use AI to watch that content too.
HumpieDouglas t1_j5qabur wrote
I have one voicemail from my wife saved and backed up. It's from a week before she died in 2013. I still cry when I listen to it. It makes me sad not having that voice in my life for the last 10 years.
It's just a routine voicemail too, nothing special. She asked me to pick up her meds from the pharmacy and that she'll meet me at her mom's house later that night.
I'd give almost anything just to talk to her and hear her voice again for just 5 minutes.
HumpieDouglas t1_j4zjfkr wrote
Reply to comment by solaluna451 in TIL Pinky and the Brain was inspired by the peculiar personalities of two WB producers, Eddie Fitzgerald and Tom Minton with interesting mannerisms that were incorporated into the characters by QueenBee299
Sure Brain, but where are we going to find a cuttlefish that can play the bagpipes at this time of night?
HumpieDouglas t1_j4ylc3v wrote
Reply to comment by itmakessenseincontex in Columbus Zoo announces name of baby koala by citytiger
Yay Kevin!
HumpieDouglas t1_j4wtgcx wrote
Reply to Columbus Zoo announces name of baby koala by citytiger
I'm tired of exotic sounding names for zoo animals. For once I'd like a zoo to be like "The new tiger is named Mike... Mike the tiger."
HumpieDouglas t1_j2apawv wrote
Reply to The nut that defeated its nemesis by tchuruck
HumpieDouglas t1_j27664e wrote
Reply to Seattle tech worker charged for theft inspired by the movie 'Office Space' by thesunbeamslook
Check out channel 9 man, it's the breast examines, WOO!
HumpieDouglas t1_j223gof wrote
This sounds like what one of mine started going through when he was 19. At the beginning of year 19 the vet said he was in excellent health especially for a cat that age. He had to be put down 8 months later. Everything caught up with him suddenly. He was skin and bones, dementia, going blind, going deaf, yowling at night. Near the end he started having seizures and stability issues. He was a sweet boy and a very cuddly guy sometimes. I hated having to put him down, but it was the right thing to do.
HumpieDouglas t1_j1zac0v wrote
That's how I feel in my mid 40s after playing with little kids for 10 min.
HumpieDouglas t1_j1wl1d2 wrote
Reply to Cat in a box. Meet Walter Cronkat. by whateverislovely
My cat likes to inspect newly arrived Amazon packages and if she likes the box she pesters me until I unpack it and let her have the box. It's funny to watch her inspect the boxes to find one she likes.
HumpieDouglas OP t1_j1uo6jn wrote
Reply to comment by Adventurous-Mango405 in my best friend put the gift I got her to good use. by HumpieDouglas
$25 on Amazon. You can even choose one that curves to the left or right lol
HumpieDouglas OP t1_j1t655m wrote
Reply to comment by Seafly42 in my best friend put the gift I got her to good use. by HumpieDouglas
She laughed out loud when she opened it. She has an immature twisted sense of humor like me so I knew she'd love it.
HumpieDouglas t1_jebjg3m wrote
Reply to At some point, someone thought to ground up the meat of a pig, shove it inside its own intestines, and cook it for people to eat. by greatpoomonkey
This can apply to most foods. Hey guys look at this giant bug with claws we found while fishing. Quick boil it alive and dip it in melted butter. DE-LISH!