
IPA_lot_ t1_j6uomhy wrote

  1. How is it hard to follow? Seems pretty simple to me. Put the ball over the line at the end of the field.
  2. You make it sound like this happens all the time and that it’s far more destructive than it really it. But I’m sure the mostly peaceful protests a couple summers ago you were fine with.
  3. Indicted isn’t guilty. Many men are falsely accused to rape. That said, if guilty, fuck this guy.

IPA_lot_ t1_iy5u8dm wrote

City has been controlled by democrats since forever. Not much has changed. Not saying we need a republican in office but something has to change eventually, right?

Most people can’t put a face to a name on 90% of the ballot. They just press D because it’s what their parents told them to do when they were younger.


IPA_lot_ t1_ix9c2ne wrote

Oh I absolutely agree, it’s a tragedy what happened and I guess my comment wasn’t the best but there are DA’s and Mayors all over the country now just letting crime get out of hand. I’m willing to bet there’s at least 50 people killed daily around the country because of it.

But the commenter made it political so I was just wondering if they’re only upset because of the leadership of that area or if they get upset when DA’s in NY, Chicago and Philly allow scum to walk the streets freely and harm others.
