
Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jahqlvj wrote

Be that as it may, the gender pay gap exists and presents far more interesting questions than any discussions about some hypothetical individual’s victim narrative

And I think you’re right to call out victim narratives, but I think everyone should be a bit careful of slipping into one. I think some people fall into this trap by inferring accusations that aren’t there in this discussion


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jahl4ai wrote

> Whose fault is it

It’s no one’s fault. It’s a phenomenon in society that we now find ourselves with many thousands of years into our journey through civilisation. To observe it and discuss it, and wonder about whether and how it provides us with an optimal situation individually, for the community, or for the economy, is not really something you need to see as a source of conflict or a personal attack.

You clearly can see that the gender pay gap is there. You just described it. You can discuss what it is, means or doesn’t mean without immaturely just declaring it doesn’t exist or that it’s some affront.


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jahgro3 wrote

It’s interesting that you chose social worker as an example. The gender pay gap has always been observed in bureaucratic jobs that are among the many, many critical functions in society that aren’t measured on income generating ability.

> Well its sad but it is econnomically impossible (unless you are rooting for communism) to pay a person who helps generate huge profits such as IT specialist or financial analyst the same wage as to someone who is a social services worker.

And don’t you think it’s remarkable that all over the world it’s the female dominated gigs that we just can’t seem to justify paying more for. Can’t possibly pay the nurses more even in the midst of a labour shortage … but the IT guy needs a competitive package without question. Isn’t it weird that that situation always seems to replicate along gender lines all over the world?

Forget the justice off it or any ideas about changing it, don’t you just find that phenomenon interesting? One hell of a coincidence, right?


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jahckq0 wrote

No one said anything about the same work. If you’ve understood it that way then I think it is fair to say that you haven’t actually understood the concept, isn’t it?

The question is usually about why female dominated industries, despite being absolutely critical to society, tend to have less monetary value attached to them. Examples of such skilled work are frontline medicine and education; critical yet undervalued compared to say, plumbers and bricklayers, which are male dominated skilled professions that attract very good wages


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jahb41u wrote

You just don’t understand the concept, it seems

“Underpaid” is not what anyone is talking about. They’re discussing the social phenomenon that sees jobs dominated by women earning less than men occurring right across the planet, and the various social implications of it.

It’s weird that you guys feel victimised by this discussion
