
Imaginary_Passage431 t1_jdqdckg wrote

But after the rich got it, it wouldn’t be profitable to the owner of the immortality pill to wait for the 99% of humanity to get rich somehow. Thus, the price will be in the equilibrium of lowest possible to be able to be paid by the most amount of people, and most expensive possible so that you earn the highest amount of money. So, much more people than just the rich.


Imaginary_Passage431 t1_j9q8ee1 wrote

Faulty analogy fallacy. Robots aren’t a race, nor a discriminated sex. They aren’t a subgroup of humans either. Not even a subgroup of animals. Don’t have conciousness or have the ability to feel (don’t answer to this with the typical argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy). You are trying to give rights and moral consideration to a calculator. And if I see a calculator and a kitten about to be crashed by a car I’d save the kitten.