
International_Bet_91 t1_jegcumi wrote

This is wrong.

Acetaminophen is a level 1 (weak) analgesic. Opioids are level 2 or the 3 depending on the drug. Level 3 is the highest level.


International_Bet_91 t1_jdscf73 wrote

WTF? They gave you Suboxone for pain relief? If is NOT approved by the FDA as a pain reliever: The literature on the pain relieving effects show it may work for some people.

I am so sorry. The war on drugs has meant you were likely severely retraumatized as your doctors gave u a placebo for an amputation. Adequate pain management is an importance component of reducing the risk of PTSD.


International_Bet_91 t1_j8ghcg5 wrote

Probably means the kind of people who get vaccinated also wear seatbelts, don't smoke, don't drink and drive, go for annual doctors visits etc etc etc.

And maybe even more relevant than the boring stuff, people who are homeless, addicted to drugs, running from the law, etc etc also don't get vaccinated.


International_Bet_91 t1_j1owmb3 wrote

I think it's also important to note that young, educated, Iranian communists -- living in exile in Europe because of the Shah's hatred of communists -- were the ones who popularized Khomeini's words by recording them in Europe and smuggling them into Iran. Pamphlets were not enough, the rural population was largely illiterate, and since mosques were monitored by the Shah's secret police, the tapes were key.

The communists saw Khomeini and his followers as useful idiots: they intended to use Khomeini's religious rhetoric to whip the masses into an anti-monarchist frenzy, and once the Shah was gone, the communists thought they could take over power.

As we know know, the communists underestimated the Mullahs' power and brutality: once the Shah was gone, the Islamists turned on the communists.

There have been some heart-breaking expressions of remorse from these communists in recent years The Cassette Tapes that caused the Iranian Revolution.


International_Bet_91 t1_j00ikd7 wrote

İn my grandma's generation "hugs" were the scapegoat.

That generation was told not to hug their kids when they cried because it would make them dependent on mother's hugs, unable to self-soothe.

That goodness the new scapegoat is just digital tech!


International_Bet_91 t1_iycdb8a wrote

There was a trivia quiz between Canadian politicians on CBC radio every Christmas for decades. Then the leader of the Green Party of the time, Elizabeth May, entered and won by a huge margin, and did even better the next year, and better the next year, and the next... and then İ stopped listen cuz she would get every single question and it was just boring. İ bet they either cancelled the tradition or stopped inviting the Greens.


International_Bet_91 t1_isfbzcc wrote

The majority of side effects of the Covid vaccine are thought to be nocebo.
This article in Nature says 76%

People who haven't heard that there are side effects to vaccines, don't experience side-effects. İn my opinion, that means we should stop posting on social media about how we were in bed for 2 days after the vaccine.,fatigue%2C%20after%20the%20first%20dose.