Invest0rnoob1 t1_j2auq7k wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in US Stock Options Smash Record - The number of traded contracts surpassed the 10-billion mark in 2022 or the first time ever by Ok_Significance_4008
And those same new millionaires lose everything by gambling it all away.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_j298xsc wrote
Reply to option or stock? by brokerRachel
If you’re new start with ETFs and stocks. Recommended ETF SPY QQQ. Options are an advanced way to lose money.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_j298dph wrote
Reply to comment by Professional_Bike647 in When did gambling on the stock market become people's financial planning? by f00dl3
People in the US are investing because they have no other choice. It’s either that or be poor their entire lives. It seems like the government has done everything it can to kill the middle class.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_j294end wrote
People are invested in the stock market because pensions have failed.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_j28chhu wrote
Reply to comment by ChuckLeClerk in Musk breaks the spell he had woven around Tesla by ChuckLeClerk
69.420 %
Invest0rnoob1 t1_j27l0pt wrote
Reply to Going to start investing because of wsb and I have a seemingly lucrative strategy by passthegoodgood
Goldman called they want your number.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_j25fqkk wrote
Reply to comment by Adossi in AMZN is a buy. by Adossi
You forgot crazy Q ramblings and saying poo poo pee pee.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_j25fhzf wrote
Reply to comment by rylar in AMZN is a buy. by Adossi
It already fueled the rally down. This is two weeks old and the Cramer prophecy has already come true(they’re down).
Invest0rnoob1 t1_j2234hw wrote
Reply to comment by zippo-shortyburner in Is Elon using Twitter to hype Tesla? by illjustcheckthis
Looks like he’s dumping it with his twitter posts.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_j1vdyp7 wrote
Reply to comment by ThetaGangThroweway in Why Interest Rates Should Stay High (ish). by ThetaGangThroweway
You do know that we have to pay interest on our debt right?
Invest0rnoob1 t1_iyeonoo wrote
Reply to comment by Mobile_Initiative490 in Jpow to my portfolio by beansbeansbeans_69
Literally the most doveish I’ve heard him all year.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_iyeokhv wrote
Reply to comment by nailattack in Jpow to my portfolio by beansbeansbeans_69
I sold my put and bought a call.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_iyaaugu wrote
Reply to comment by GrizzBear57 in I just bought elongated puts AAPL by Endoskeleton1
Toots per second
Invest0rnoob1 t1_iy84dq4 wrote
Reply to comment by PharmingTheD in Puts on TSLA, TWTR is a sinking ship that Elon will keep throwing cash at. by Euro347
My 7 shares of apple beg to differ. Don’t worry I’ll save some shares for the rest of you.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_ixvjh6y wrote
Reply to comment by mark2talyho in Inflation Table Through November 2023 by OBS10invest
Yes, and the US defaults on debt and global currencies collapse. Brilliant idea, you should be head of the fed.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_iuhcekf wrote
Reply to comment by nailattack in Videos on Chinese social media showed workers at the Foxconn plant (iPhones) climbing over fences by JournalistFew2794
Apple isn’t going to drop. The market is being held up. They wanted as many people to lose as much money as possible without the market completely collapsing, because they can’t do QE to stimulate the economy.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_iuhbzt5 wrote
Reply to comment by d00ns in The terminal rate does not need to go above inflation. by nonasiandoctor
Savings? People currently have less savings than 2008.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_iuclz5t wrote
Reply to comment by neothedreamer in Even an Inside Trader Would Have Problems in This Market by KingN0
Meta was destroyed because the metaverse or at least their version is a joke.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_iuclp5c wrote
Reply to comment by PutmeintheGreen in Even an Inside Trader Would Have Problems in This Market by KingN0
Even successful traders know it’s rigged. They just try to use that information to their advantage.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_iuclkqm wrote
If you realize it’s rigged then think of how and why.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_iu9q8q4 wrote
I’m lovin it.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_iu6c1pb wrote
Reply to Am I screwed or am I screwed? by SynapseCero
117 😂
Invest0rnoob1 t1_iu5w596 wrote
Reply to comment by okp11 in Don't Knock Something You Can't Handle. by sami_testarossa
Musk will with twitter. He’ll cuck the zuck.
Invest0rnoob1 t1_j2b15n4 wrote
Reply to comment by WeEatBabies in 2023 is too obvious, the majority is likely wrong. by [deleted]
You will get rich while everyone is waiting for “lower prices”.