
Ireallyamthisshallow t1_jdsetyn wrote

Most teens might not, but you're not looking at stories about Bob and Brenda going to school with each other every day where their biggest obstacle is getting their homework done on time. You have the example of Illuminae - a massive futuristic space opera - and the suspension of disbelief ends at being too mature for the type of relationship you'd really attribute to a teenager in a 2023 school ?

It's also worth remembering who these books are aimed at. When you're at age, relationships often do feel central to your life. If you're going through a horrible circumstance, the one good thing in your life often is the most important. I think that works on a relatability that you move past as you age.


Ireallyamthisshallow t1_jbnle3x wrote

If a reminder is all you require, just set a calendar alert on your phone for the same time every day.

If you need to precisely track time, use a stop watch on your phone.

You don't need anything fancy for what you're asking there. Beyond that it's simply self-control. It may also be worth asking the question if you really want to read? Something you enjoy shouldn't really take that much motivation to want to do.


Ireallyamthisshallow t1_j95aosk wrote

I've had a broadly similar journey. I used to consume books non-stop but as I've moved out of education and my work/life commitments increased I ended up at pretty much zero reading if I wanted to relax in any other way. Plus, by the end of the day, my eyes are often just too tired to concentrate for too long.

Audiobooks allowed me to enjoy books again in times when I'm doing menial tasks such as cleaning and cooking. Add in plenty of available traveling time, then listening in bed to relax without having to use my eyes, and I easily find about 2 hours a day (sometimes a little less, often much more). I love them

Edit: I should add, it's broadly been made possible through my bone conduction head phones as well!


Ireallyamthisshallow t1_j5gcbsc wrote

My free time to read dwindled massively over the years to the point where I was barely reading at all (especially if I wanted to relax any other way). Audiobooks really made a huge difference to me, because I can listen to them doing a lot of the more menial tasks in life (cleaning, traveling, exercising) where I can devote my attention but can't physically hold a book.

I don't do this thing where people listen to them at x500 speed, I just listen at their standard speed and get to enjoy and consider books once again. I got through 70 last year.

I still always have a physical book on the go for bed times, but it's a slow burner.


Ireallyamthisshallow t1_iy13da9 wrote

Reply to comment by MasterLeGo in E-library for wife by MasterLeGo

Sorry, what makes it shallow of me to ask ?

I'll be honest, given the number of books in a library (let alone several libraries) I expect there are things in there she has not read. She could also consider re-reading books. Maybe you could put into perspective, just how many books is she reading in a day ?

Beyond that, it might be time to start paying. Buying singular books can be expensive for someone as voracious as your wife, so maybe something like Kindle unlimited is the way to go - thousands of books with new ones popping up all the time.


Ireallyamthisshallow t1_ixexbp0 wrote

It's Amazon. You can 100% cancel it if it has not been delivered. You can chat to customer services if not. L can refuse the delivery. There's lots of options here.

The only odd thing here is telling L she can keep them instead of any inconvenience. Or that you'd keep it a secret. Both them things sound 100% dodgy and if your wife found out she'd surely assume the worst.


Ireallyamthisshallow t1_iwqskuj wrote

>i was sick and tired of being picked on by my buddies

Your friends are pricks. Get new friends.

>now i hate myself for failing as a man,

You didn't fail as a man. This happens to lots of people. Don't feel pressured into doing something you don't want to do, you'll do it when it's right for you.