
Jahobes t1_j3j4kn8 wrote

That's a really silly counter argument and you clearly haven't put any thought into this. Is the sword worse than a nuke since there are hundreds of millions more examples to choose from? Come on man.

On one hand you have robots who are ultimately controlled by humans. If the robot controllers are genocidal assholes then their commands will be carried out without question.

If genocidal officers order soldiers to be genocidal a few will aim up, some will straight up refuse and someone will tell the outside world what happened out of guilt.

In every possible way the ceiling for the humanity of a robot is the same as a human... But the floor is way way lower.

You send killer bots to wipe out a village they will. No questions asked.

You send humans to wipe out a village. They may or may not but if they did more than likely someone from that team will have a guilt trip 1 year or 20 years after it happened. It will not go unanswered


Jahobes t1_j3i3lsr wrote

Conversely who would you rather prefer to occupy your city. Human beings that can relate to you and have some capacity for empathy and can therefore curb the extremism of hateful orders. Or killer robots that follow orders unquestionably including conducting war crimes with zero hesitation or possiblity of revolt.


Jahobes t1_j21mooo wrote

If you think about it the very country itself is a ibn Saud mega project. I mean the current king is only the son of the founder of Saudi Arabia. Before they discovered oil in the 1920s the country didn't have anything more sophisticated than mud huts or the occasional palace/mosque that would fit in fine in the 16th century.

To basically accomplish going from goat herders in mud huts to sky scrapes and global relevancy in a single monarstic generation would inflate the egos of any family.

I'm not saying that they will succeed, but I am saying that you didn't count all the mega projects they actually succeed in such as building multiple modern cities in the desert and they did so within a generation.


Jahobes t1_izbwni4 wrote

Because the recent anti immigration sentiment isn't new. Look at American history right up until the revolution... We've been in a perpetual pro-anti immigration battle from the start.

The country in which most people are coming from today... Their grandchildren and great grandchildren will be harping on the next wave whom ever they may be where ever they come.


Jahobes t1_iwhxadr wrote

Chronic homelessness really only happens to people with severe mental illness or drug addiction. If you lost your job and you now have nowhere to live you will not be homeless for long if at all.

There are just to many services and shelters to be chronically homeless without serious personal disabilities.


Jahobes t1_iuj10fc wrote

Reminds me of the time some homeless people broke into my car and stole 3 dollars in quarters when my $500 Microsoft textbook was in open view in the back seat. You could sell one of those for basically full price on eBay or Craigslist.