
JamesR624 t1_j9artwy wrote

Yes but then they wouldn't have an excuse to create Spyware for your messaging apps so they can send data of your messages to the highest advertising bidder (Not to mention to the government to help control voting patterns) and pretend it's about keeping you safe.

I got downvoted in r/android for pointing out what's actually going on here. Its amazing how much "intellectuals" on this site feel the need to pretend corporations are altruistic.


JamesR624 t1_isyjk3y wrote

Ahh. The ol “uhh. Hes racist/insert-popular-phobe-here” argument.

You people are so deluded into the infighting the corporations feed you so they can keep robbing us all. Wow.

So apparently if you criticize both corporate entities that pretend to be political parties, you’re now being “racist”? Do I have that right?
