JamesR624 t1_j9bmu7d wrote
Reply to comment by nicuramar in Samsung adds zero-click attack protection to Galaxy devices by khalmagman
Because of course the corporations are gonna be honest about their motives for invading privacy and basic human rights.
"speculation without evidence" is a really nice catch all to defend any and all corporations for their corruption, greed, and violation of rights.
JamesR624 t1_j9artwy wrote
Reply to comment by Interesting-Month-56 in Samsung adds zero-click attack protection to Galaxy devices by khalmagman
Yes but then they wouldn't have an excuse to create Spyware for your messaging apps so they can send data of your messages to the highest advertising bidder (Not to mention to the government to help control voting patterns) and pretend it's about keeping you safe.
I got downvoted in r/android for pointing out what's actually going on here. Its amazing how much "intellectuals" on this site feel the need to pretend corporations are altruistic.
JamesR624 t1_j5tl0v5 wrote
Reply to comment by Lord_Jello_III in Everyone Wants Your Email Address. Think Twice Before Sharing It. by 08830
That's cause the entire article is just stuff everyone already knows and the whole purpose of this article is to make you view ads. Ya know, Iike every "article" on the internet nowadays.
JamesR624 t1_isyjk3y wrote
Reply to comment by blackdragon8577 in Sheriffs Offered Caribbean Cruises and Florida Retreats as Part of Jail Telecom Contracts by 1angrylittlevoice
Ahh. The ol “uhh. Hes racist/insert-popular-phobe-here” argument.
You people are so deluded into the infighting the corporations feed you so they can keep robbing us all. Wow.
So apparently if you criticize both corporate entities that pretend to be political parties, you’re now being “racist”? Do I have that right?
JamesR624 t1_isy7ycr wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Sheriffs Offered Caribbean Cruises and Florida Retreats as Part of Jail Telecom Contracts by 1angrylittlevoice
Shh. You’ll always be downvoted if you don’t follow the corporate propaganda of “its this team vs that team”!
Most of the “intelligent” people here are just as gullible as the red hatted idiots they think they’re so much smarter than.
JamesR624 t1_is21njl wrote
The fact that a headline this blatantly false is getting upvotes should tell you all you need to know about redditors.
JamesR624 t1_jctglsp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Beating a dead horse is a lot more humane than beating a live one. by AtlasShrunked
Uhhh no? The original comment is what the phrase is about.
Not sure how you managed to come to this conclusion.